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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Christian Louboutin

When it comes to buying a gift for me, my husband always having difficult time finding something that I like. He knows I like purses and shoes that are expensive, but quality made that will lasts a lifetime. But still he can't still comprehend why these things are very expensive. I told him that if he buys me a pair shoes or purse, he will never buy me again for at least five years. One time while we were shopping for holiday gifts, I told him that I would like to have one of Christian Louboutin shoes, and he said “you need to save for it” or wait till we win a lotto. That means, it is not going to happen since we never buy lotto. Oh well, that shoes will be on my wish-list forever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you get the shoes without having to wait on the lottery.