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Monday, September 7, 2009

No-Pill Ways to Reduce Blood Pressure

I was diagnosed with a high blood pressure and is taking at least three medications to stabilize it. I want to at least lessen the amount, if totally stopping is not an option. Good thing Real Age posted this article to help reduce BP without taking pills.
You thought you were ready to roll . . . until you’re standing in front of the room and realize that the thing you felt rolling around by your feet on the plane was the thumb drive with your presentation on it.

Of course your blood pressure is going to go up. It even will when someone gets crazy in traffic or when you think you’ve lost your credit card. That’s what your body is designed to do when there’s stress: run away. But that’s not always an option today (you can’t very well run away from the podium or the traffic jam). So try these strategies from the YOU Docs for helping you stress less and stay healthier:

1. Lose it. We mean weight. The more body fat you pack, the more trouble your body will have getting your blood pressure down after stress.

2. Work it. Build some muscle. Your blood pressure returns to normal more quickly after a stressful event if your blood vessels are toned. And the stress of building muscle (that’s good stress) through physical activity tones your blood vessels.

3. Leave it behind. When college students recalled an injustice that had been done to them, their blood pressure went up. And it stayed up longer in those who couldn’t muster up any forgiveness for what happened. Forgiveness is a simple way to make yourself seriously healthier without a prescription.


Clarissa said...

I'm trying to lose weight now for a healthy living.

eden said...

me and my hubby are trying to lose weight too. I do walking everyday while hubby is doing it in the gym..

by the way,thanks for the visit and comment

Leslie Ann said...

i wish i could lose some weight too...i'm 30lbs overweight now. :(

my husband has higher-than-normal cholesterol, that's what's bugging me.