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Thursday, October 25, 2012

His Doctor's Advice

Every time I call my Mom over the phone, she never fails to complain about my Dad's habit which is smoking. It drives me nuts! I wished he would stop smoking cause it is not good for his health. My Mom always tell me that he consumes at least a box of cigars a per and that is a lot. His doctor already advised him to stop because he has been coughing a lot. Though, he was tested and the x - ray was negative, he still needs to stop otherwise he would regret not listening to us and his doctor. Someday, when it is already too late. I still for him that he would come to his senses and stop!


Sistergirl said...

Sometimes people dont hear the concerns of love ones he needs to hear it form a doctor or experience a health scare.

I pray someone of influence will encourage him to stop.

Leslie Ann said...

Hi Cecile!

I don't know if vape is available there, but that's what I've been using for the last 3 months and my husband and I have been completely smoke-free. You should start your dad with a juice that has nicotine in it, and then gradually reduce the nicotine level in the juice so that he won't jump back to smoking. Hope it helps! :)