Thursday, February 24, 2011
Lower Electric Bills
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Stylish Bedroom Furniture
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Our President's Day Picnic at Lake Tawakoni
Friday, February 18, 2011
Cost of Living
New Skin Care Product
Strong and Healthy Bodies
At Peace Knowing They are Safe and Secure
This morning, I decided to use my new laptop for it's been a week since hubby last used it. It took him half an hour to work on some updates before he can finally do what he wanted to do with the laptop. I was very apologetic for it was my fault why the updates were filing up! Now to avoid that same problem again, I checked for an updates and only found one, thank goodness otherwise I'll be in trouble with hubby this time, lol. As I waited for the updates to be done, I noticed a small icon flashing; I clicked it and it says that I need to install a back up. Not sure what to do I decided to wait for hubby to decide what to do with it. I remember one time we did use a data backup service to make sure that we would not lose important documents, photos and data in our computers in case something happened with our computers. I really think that having this kind of service, we are at peace knowing that those important documents are safe and secure.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
My New Laptop
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Perfect Gift for Her!
GPS for My Car
Friday, February 4, 2011
Now, That's What I Call Winter...Snow!
Friday Fill Ins we go!
1. We are on this earth because God wants us to learn and grow spiritually.
2. I am a firm believer that experience is one of the best teacher.
3. One of the hardest things for me to learn is to not trust easily.
4. I am glad to be connected.
5. I remember him holding and cheering me up while I was busy crying.
6. My family is one of the best part of my life.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to spending quality time with my son, tomorrow my plans include attend Saturday session of the Stake Conference and do my chores and Sunday attend the Sunday session of the Stake Conference, I want to !
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
My Unfulfilled Dream!
Was It a Wrong Decision?
Crowd Control is Very Important
Have you ever experienced waiting for hours for your turn at the bank, the grocery or at concerts? That can be quite annoying. But what’s even more annoying and frustrating at the same time is when some of the people in the line with you are very unruly. You’ll see people who are trying to cut through the line, and then there are those who are just plain disorganized. At such a time, you need someone who’ll take care of crowd control.
But aside from crowd controllers, it’s a wise idea to make use of stanchions. These are crowd control ropes which are often used to guide patrons or even direct them to where they should go so that a line would look organized. There are stanchion posts which are ideal for any type of setting including banks, lobbies, restaurants, shopping centers, retail stores, museums, & a lot more. Stanchion posts can come in the form of velvet ropes. Basically, these velvet rope stanchions are made of a soft foam core and wrapped with nylon velour. There are snap type rope ends on each end which are usually attached to the posts.
There are other forms of stanchion posts. On the whole, it depends on the establishment how they want the stanchions made. They may even opt to have their company name printed on the stanchion. There are also what we call barricades and these are ideal for controlling traffic and providing security and privacy. These are ideal for crowded places where people have to contend with vehicular traffic as well. Indeed, there are many different ways to control a crowd and keep them organized. People need to know that these products being used to organize lines and queues are not meant to bother them but are merely used to put a crowd in order and to ensure the protection of everyone as well.