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Friday, September 7, 2012

An Entertaining Online Game

I have never been a sports person. I do not even follow sport game series on television. Some of my family and friends are fascinated with ball games. They also play ball games online. Somehow playing online games entertain them. Well, I find it entertaining too. But with my hectic schedules, tapping on the computer just takes a couple of hours. Yeah, right!

A friend told me that he liked playing soccer games online. There’s a particular player he liked named ronaldo, whose character name is from the famous Brazilian soccer player. It’s funny how my friend got hooked on this online game. Whenever we get the chance to get-together, he shows me how he played the game. It is kind of funny to me. Looking at the cartoon players running and kicking the ball is seems hilarious. But he said it’s fun.

There is now way we can stop computer technology and the Internet from growing. We have to admit that this is part of our future now. The Internet has a big influence to our daily lives. Even a toddler knows how to manipulate a keyboard or a touch-screen tablet. So no doubt that in an early age, kids know how to play computer games online.

I do not have any game installed in my computer. I am very picky though. Just because I do no have it, I am not open to getting one. There is a chance I might try playing online games. It is not bad to get to play online games once in a while. It does not have to be constant. Everything has to be in moderation. We have different ways of relieving stress. Playing online games, going to a recreation center, participating in outdoor games, or even just watching television in order to relieve stress is fine.

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