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Friday, September 7, 2012

Samurai Games

Growing up in the 80s is fun. Well, I am in grade school those years and play time is a big deal to me. I always have fun playing with my siblings and friends in our neighborhood. Seems like life is easy during that time. Me, my siblings, and my friends were fascinated with superhero shows back then particularly with the Japanese shows. We loved the group of characters and the theme of the show. We even played pretend based on these. We enjoyed playing karate and ninja games. I cannot find those types of superhero shows on television now. And if lucky, I can find some on the Internet and try to watch them again.

Some people do not enjoy watching superhero shows on television. They rather play online games like samurai. This game requires strategy and tricks. It is the fascination to the Japanese fiction that draws them to enjoy this type of game on the Internet. I do not really know how but sure they are having fun with it. To others, it becomes part of their lifestyle. Playing online games is their way of relaxing and relieving stress from work. And if they really are into it, they get very anxious to come home to play. Because they get to interact with other players too. In some cases, they get to meet new friends from other parts of the world. That sounds interesting. It’s like playing the game with friends beside you.

The Internet has brought us big advantage on connecting family and friends. Networking works on things like  online games. Sometimes you get attached to it that you would like to recommend a game to someone. Well, that’s how it goes. New online games are developed every year and online gamers always watch out for those.

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