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Friday, November 4, 2011

We Need Bike Rack

Riding a bike is one thing my family and I love to do during family time. We would all get up early and drive around the lake for some exercise and sight-seeing. Back when husband and I live in places where great parks are located. We would ride our bikes together until we are both tired. Surely, we had the fun and loss weight at the same time. That is the great thing about having bikes. Anyway, since we moved to countryside, we don't have much parks to ride our bikes with. And so, we expected on going for a drive somewhere bike trails are so much fun! State parks are great place. Since we need three bikes to be hauled, we need an suv bike racks for our van. I thought of getting bike racks where one of our friend works; am sure he could help us and also we would be able to get deal. Oh man, I couldn't wait till we get to ride our bikes again.

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