I’ll let you in on a secret: I want to be able to buy an RV or a recreational vehicle someday soon. I have this idea that when my husband and I are older, we’ll just spend our days tripping down roads, unmindful of where these take us. An RV would be the most convenient vehicle to accompany us on these road trips. Nevertheless, before we do decide to buy one, I would need to find a company that could provide the best rv insurance quote for me. After all, safety and protection should always be top priorities.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Scripture of the Day!
"The Spirit is Willing, but the Body is Weak." A scripture passage in the Book of Mormon that inspired me to get out and do something productive today although I am not feeling well even at this moment. I feel so weak today due to low blood count. The over the counter iron supplement is hardly working. But I despite of that I had fun with friends and were able to take my son to a play place, and he was very happy with that! I hope to be able to feel well tomorrow so I can attend the Relief Society Enrichment night. I must admit, it's been awhile since I last attended the said activity, and I missed it so much not to mention that I don't attend RS class on Sunday due to my calling at the primary as a teacher of CTR class. Oh well, there is really nothing I can do about it right now.
religion and beliefs
Planning On Building a Pool
We don’t have a pool in our house, but we’re open to the possibility of having it built in the yard. When we finally do decide, I’m thinking of place a fence around the pool area to keep it secured. Non-slip tiles are also in my “list,” as well as a pentair pool pump, which I heard is a real energy saver and has a special design that reduces noise and vibration. I can’t wait until we finally have our pool, since I’m sure my son would love it.
pentair pool pump repair
New Twist to a Classic Gift Idea
Father’s Day is fast approaching. Times like these, it’s always hard to come up with unique gift ideas. Nevertheless, there are times when all you need to do is take a classic and give it a new twist. For instance, you’ve probably given your dad or husband a pair of cufflinks already in his monogram or the logo of his favorite brand. Cufflinks are classic gift ideas. However, you can give it a new approach by giving him a pair of coin cufflinks this time around. At least, you wouldn’t have to lose sleep thinking of the perfect gift. Imagination is all you need.
coin cufflinks
Friday, January 27, 2012
Gone Fishing with Dad
Last weekend, we had a little family bonding time...hubby had to work that day that is why we only had few hours to spend together as family. I am so proud of my husband who made efforts for us to be together even though he is busy working for us....and to meet our needs. Before work, we went to fishing at Mesquite park. Jacob had so much fun fishing though he didn't caught any fish :-). I admit, I was wishing to spend more time with Matt just like we always do before they changed his work schedule. Anyway, I took some photo the men in my life while fishing :-).
bonding time with family
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
New Web Designs
Unfortunately, after four years of blogging, I still have no clue on how to design my own website/blog. My friend started my blog in 2008. She designed it and even switched it to its own domain name. How I wished I could learn to design my own website just like some of my friends. I think the main problem is that I don't have enough patient to learn to do it myself. I also hate codes and stuffs like that. One of these days, I need to contact the Utah Web Design so I can have my websites new designs. By so doing, my website will eventually gain traffics and visitors/readers. I also think that it will help increase the page rank of each of my websites.
utah web design
Essay Writing Made Easy
My son is only seven year old and is in second grade, but every time we ask him what he wants to be when he grows up, his answer is always the same. He wants to be a writer. He said he wants to write a book and have it publish someday. Don't get me wrong, but there is a lot of better thins to do aside from writing. We suggested lawyer, doctor, or maybe serve in the military, but he kept saying "all I want to do is write Mommy or Daddy." Oh well, maybe he'll change his mind later on. For the meantime, we only hope that he'll make a right choice and be someone who can be of service to others. Right now, he writes a lot. He writes simple sentences, and short stories, he even writes on his journal. And we are trying to help him be good in writing. When he decides that he still wanted to write, then that's the time we need to contact the company that offers essay writing services. I read that this company helps English-speaking students from all over the US, Canada and UK improved their writing ability and even their grades. I like that they will help students complete their academic assignments, even college essays and homework. Isn't it great?
essay writing services
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Rainig all Night
Today, the weather men said that it is going to rain tonight until tomorrow morning. And they were right. It rained around 5:30 this afternoon and is still raining. I was wondering if they will announce that there will be no school tomorrow. I figure they will do that :-); and if they do that would be fun! We get to spend time together as family. Honestly speaking, we don't get much time to spend time as family because hubby works at night and my son is at school all day. When hubby is home, he is asleep when Jacob's gets home from school. They only spend about an hour or two and that's about it. This spring, we plan on going to see Grand Canyon in Arizona, and maybe visit my in-laws on the way home. I am already excited!
bonding time,
family activity/tour
Monday, January 23, 2012
I Wish He Would Quit
My father has been smoking for how long, I don't really know. All I know is that he has difficulty quitting. It isn't good for his health, but every time he tries to quit, he ended smoking again after only a week of trying. Lately, he has been coughing and we are worried. My mother was diagnosed with pulmonary emphysema because she is a second hand smoker. She is now under medications and hopefully, her lungs will be clear again. Once again, we asked my father to quit otherwise, he would get the same disease my mother has now. Anyway, talking about smoking, I be my father would be very happy if I give him a Rocky Patel cigar. I bet he had never tried this vintage cigars yet. I wonder how this famous cigar taste. I will never know, for I don't smoke.
royal patel,
vintage cigars
Better Safe than Sorry!
It's been a year and a half since we've moved to our new house, and yet we still haven't gotten ourselves a storage for tools we use on taking care of our yard. It is time for us to save for it otherwise our garage is going to be crowded with stuffs and the car will have no place in the garage. Once we get a storage (hopefully pretty soon), we need to buy storage lockers to make sure that our stuffs are safe and wouldn't be stolen. You'll never know when the robbers strike, better safe than sorry, right? I know the community is being patrol 24/7, but still every once in a while we still get letter from the community center saying that somebody's tail lights are stolen and so forth and so on. Nowadays, thefts and robbers are pretty smart and they know what to do to break in to a house, scary isn't it?
storage lockers
Exciting Sunday School Class
The other day while I was preparing my lesson for the kids I teach at church during Sunday school, I came across a post from Facebook saying about the website called sugardoodle.net.Curious I was, I checked the said website and was amazed about all the content of it. I have asked myself why didn't I know this site before? Anyway, it made my preparation easier. I got excited the next day when I presented the lesson to the four kids (7 year old) in my class. I got their 100% attention and were able to learn the whole "Plan of Salvation." We all learned from it. Now, I couldn't wait till Sunday, so I would be able to teach them again different activities the would catch their attention and that will make them ask for more. I love my calling as a Sunday school teacher, indeed it is a blessing for me and my son.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
We Have New Cell Phones
About a year ago, my husband decided that he and I need new cell phones. I told him that I just bought my cell phone a year ago and so far it is working well. I even told him that he can go ahead and replace his old cell phone. But he said that he needs mine and I need an iPhone instead. Well, I told him that I have no problem with that :-). So, we went to the cellphones store and chose what I want. It was kind of expensive though that is why I decided that it would his gift for me on my birthday. And he agreed :-). Now, he is enjoying his new cell phone and so am I. And both of us are happy!
cell phones
Shop at BeatControl
Are you a music fanatic? If so, then there is a place that is perfect for you. BeatControl is a new DJ Store that offers many items for musician like you. They have DJ Equipment and also stuff that DJ Mixers need. Their store is conveniently located in Edgware, London. I am glad to know this store. Now, I know where to get gifts for my nieces and son who are passionate about music. At BeatControl, you can be sure that you are taken care of, and that your experience with them would be satisfying, because to them, you are everything!
dj store
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Keeping Myself Quiet
Today is not a good day for me. I don't know why but I am not happy with what I have been feeling since yesterday. It is not me at all. I feel grumpy, irritable with just small things. I just wished it will go away otherwise I will hurt somebody in my house. I am already hurting myself and that should be enough. Right now, I don't want to do anything but keep my mouth shut or else I may say something that I would regret afterward. So, here I am taking a deep breath and trying to stay clam. I pray that God would help me feel better.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Great Selection of Games Online

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