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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Meet Pumpkin, the New Member of the Family

Isn't she adorable? We love this pretty nice and friendly dog. The moment we saw her on the picture, we all fell in love with her. So, we decided to take her. Pumpkin lives in Richardson for almost 7 years. But for many reasons, the owner decided to part with her. The couple are expecting twin babies and it is too much for her handle a toddler, twins and a dog. They said, they don't want to do it...but they need to do it because aside from the said reason, Pumpkin causes allergy to their little girl.

Anyway, to make the story short, we met the owners, and took Pumpkin home. So far, we are so happy to have her in our home as new family member. We love her, and we think that she is happy with us, too though sometimes we think that she misses her old family/owner. Hope she will be able to be completely happy and open to us as her new family/owner.

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