Friday, December 31, 2010
Sledding in New Mexico
Knitting Is A Way To Share Love
Guest post from: Denver Stephens
I don't think I could say enough about the wonders of knitting. I taught myself to knit many many years ago and have not forgotten the pleasure it brought. Although I have not knitted anything at all for the last few years, I know that I could pick it up again, anytime I wished. The thing about knitting is that it is kind of like riding a bike, you just don't forget how to do it.
In fact, I think I am going to go dig out my knitting needles and find some yarn that has been hiding for several years and hone my skills again while I'm watching satellite TV from tonight. That's the way I learned it to knit to begin with, just sitting in front of the television. I felt like that sometimes I was wasting my time idly watching the tube, so I began to knit. This turned into a wonderful hobby and allowed me to create something beautiful at the same time.
What I found as I learned to knit was that family and friends admired what I had created so much that I was knitting things to give away as gifts at Christmas time. I still see some of those creations in the homes of the people I care about. Knitting provided me a way of sharing my love.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Shopping with My Girls
Thanks for the post, Vernon Lowe
My girls are my favorite people to go Christmas shopping with because we like to shop the same way. We don't care about fancy stores or going to the mall. Our objective when shopping for Christmas is to get the best deal. It takes a lot of time to shop the way we do because you have to look carefully if you want to find the best bargains.
We can spend three or four hours at the same store. When we are gone from home on our shopping expeditions, we always make sure to set our home security alarm from before we leave to go Christmas shopping. This way we won't have to worry about anything and can concentrate on finding the good deals.
Last week we went shopping at Big Lots. Big Lots is one of our favorite places to find bargains because they specialize in closeout items from other stores. We love stores like Big Lots because they have so many different types of items available. You can find furniture, clothing, home decor items, toys and even video games.
We don't shop for certain items; we make a list of who needs a gift. This helps us be flexible and open to whatever good deals we might find. Try Big Lots to get bargains when you shop for Christmas.
Friday, December 24, 2010
The First Snow Of The Winter Has Arrived
December 4th, 2010 will go down in history as the first snow fall to occur in my town and area. Though it was only between a dusting to an inch in some places, it did scatter the ground, covered vehicles, and covered rooftops. The weather is still cold and it is giving us a look at what forecasters are saying could be another cold and snowy winter here in Eastern Virginia.
There is still a little snow on the ground from last night and today I will sit back and turn on my Satellite TV Sports Packages and watch football games. My anticipation for the first snow is very different than it was from my younger days. When I was younger, I could not wait for that first snow. It meant no school and being able to go outside and have fun. These days, it is cold weather and sitting back and looking at the beauty of the snow.
It seemed like it would never snow here but over the past decade or so, every winter it snows here. Last winter was especially brutal and went down as one of the snowiest on record. Though the first snow of the year has arrived, I really don't expect it to snow as much as it did last year.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Simple Yet Memorable
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday Fill Ins

1. What in the world is wrong with you?
2. I see to it that my hubby and son are well fed.
3. Go away cold weather and don't come back till summer.
4. Christmas cards have been sent and so as the gifts for my family back home.
5. I keep all my doctor's advice with regards to my health condition.
6. You (Jacob) will abide by our house rules whether you like it or not.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleeping early though it's not possible here in the hospital, tomorrow my plans include getting more rest and see my son hopefully and Sunday, I want to go home if my health permits me.
Zappos, My New Fave Online Store

The Conservative Me
A Wrinkle Cream for my Mom
My Kind of Handy Man
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Karate Tournament and Exam
Friday, December 10, 2010
Ready for the Tournament
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Carpet Cleaning Holiday Break
Having a child in the house is making sure that you make your home clean and safe all the time. This is the reason why I got myself busy looking for organic carpet cleaner Austin. I have heard good word that the best carpet cleaning ingredient sellers and cleaners are in Austin.
After viewing several carpet cleaner prices Austin, I got myself thinking twice. Should I buy my own carpet cleaning materials and follow the furniture cleaning tips they gave or should I hire carpet cleaning specialist Austin and save a lot of time doing hard work??
Anyway, since this is the time to be jolly, I decided to give myself a break. I think I should try hiring some carpet cleaners!!! So now, I think I should try checking carpet cleaning pricing Austin to get my budget approved by my husband. LOL!!
So, how about you? Are you giving yourself a holiday break from carpet cleaning??