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Friday, May 13, 2011

Trendy Medical Uniforms

I always wanted to be a nurse, but that dream of mine didn't come true due to poverty. My parents couldn't afford the tuition fees and stuffs for the course. My grandmother wanted to support my education if I would take education, which is not my cup of tea; so instead of accepting her offer...I decided to work and study at the same time at my own expense. I took computer programming and completed the basic course. I learned quite a lot from that course, but that dream of mine was still there. It became a wish when I marry my husband. I tell you to this day I still have that dream....and it becomes even stronger when I see nurses wearing medical uniforms they bought at Marcus medical uniforms. I love their uniforms....for they look trendy and fashionable. Not boring compared to the old white uniforms they used to wear back then.

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