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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

New Xbox modded Controller

Last week, a family friends of ours invited us over for a dinner at Wild Buffalo Wings restaurant in Mesquite. We ate all you can eat chicken wings while having fun chatting and watching sports. Our two boys didn't care about eating, they just enjoyed playing with Charles toy. So, we ended taking home some of the left over wings and hotdogs. Before heading home, we stopped by at the Friers house and sang karaoke while the boys were playing some video games. 

When we were singing karaoke using the controller, I notice that the boys were only using 1 controller and so the boys didn't get to play together, instead they took turns playing while the other boy was waiting for his turn. I think that the Friers need to buy one more controller like the rapid fire xbox controller. I saw online while browsing the internet. Xbox has new additional modded controller. The camouflage one for sure would be the boys new favorite controller. I like the glossy red though, just like the one I attached here.

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