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Friday, March 2, 2012

Safety First Before Anything Else

Safety of my family is one of my most priority in life. I'll do everything to protect them. Since I only have one child, I am very protective of him. I worry a lot especially when my son is outside home. But sad to say that I don't have control of everything around him when he is not home. My husband teases me when I share with him some of my worries about my son. Well, can you blame me? We already loss our first child, I couldn't afford to lose another one again. I don't know what were a church friend in - laws were thinking when they didn't put pool fences around their swimming pool. Because of that mistake, they loss one of their grandchildren who is only 2 year old when he died. If they couldn't afford to put fences for their swimming pool, they could have at least kept an eye of that child very closely. I felt bad for my friend. I am pretty sure that after that incident, the first thing they did was call a company that installs pool fences.

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