Got this tag from Jhelea, thank you friend.
PLAYERS: CHIKAI Fun.Fierce.Fab Me,Myself+2 Kidd Designs Ozzy's Mom Cel Jhelea, Cecile2 YOU
1. Are you pregnant?...... I wished, can't be pregnant again due to health issue
2. When do you want to get married?.....I am already married to the man of my dream.
3. Do you curse a lot?......NO!
4. What are your favorite books?........ Miracles of Forgiveness, Standing for Truth, Scriptures and Mary, Martha and Me.
5. Do you wish you were with someone right now?....... Yes, with my son and husband.
6. Who were the last three people that sent you a text message?....... My niece, brother and Aunt.
7. Are you happier single or in a relationship?...... I couldn’t be more happier than I am right now.
8. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?........Absolutely, nobody is perfect, everyone commits mistake and so we all need a second chance.
9. Do you wish someone would call you?......Yes, my best friend, Doris.
10. What is bugging you right now?.......My posts at SS, one of them still was not approve ( don’t know why)
11. What's something you wish you could understand better?.......I wished I could understand why the gas price is so high.
12. If someone doesn't like you, its usually because...?.......I am a quite person, people tends to misinterpret me as a “snob”
13. Do you have a wild side? .......I am not sure I have.
14. Kissed someone in the last twenty-four hours?........Yes, hubby and son.
15. Have you lost friends in the past year?......I haven’t, glad for that!
16. What were you doing at midnight last night?......I was completing my post for Social Spark.
Have fun with this: Mona, Imelda, Vicy and Marlyn
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Blogging Friends Forever

Redge and Nanay Belen tagged me with this.And I thanked them both so much. I am flatterd to have received this Card.
Now here's the hard part. I have to choose only 5 from among of the many bloggers I know. A number of certain rules must be applied, to wit:1. Only 5 people are allowed to receive this card2. 4 of them followers of your blog.3. One has to be new to your blog and live in another part of the world.4. You must link back to who ever gave you the card.
1. Jemi
2. Javril
3. Vida
4. Honey
5. Jhelea
The above 5 people are encouraged to pass this card to 5 blogging friends too, following the 4 rules listed above. I will be very happy if we show some support to the recipients of this card by any of the following means: linking, commenting, subscribing, rating, or in any form as you wish.
Monday, July 28, 2008
A bargain/discount!
Jacob and I went to the mall the other day to his KIDSGIT CLUB. He really enjoyed the activities for he got a lot of free giveaways, foods and games. We also played at the playplace there. After we are done, we went shopping and found great deals at Gap and JC Penney.
This shoes (St. John Bay) is normally $45 but paid only &11.54... isn't it cheap or what?
Jake's Long Sleeve and Denim Pants for only $9.43... oh, really love shopping esp. when it is cheap!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Counting my Blessings!
I have been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for 20 years. Throughout theses years there have been tests and challenges. But there are many, many more ways to kneel down and thank God (Heavenly Father) for His Infinite Love.
As the hymns says:
So amid the conflict, whether great or small,
Do not be discouraged; God is over all.
Count your many blessings; angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you to your journey's end.
("Count Your Blessings," Hymns, no. 241)
I am so grateful for God's Love for All of Us. He is and will always be with us no matter how hard life maybe. Ho loves each one of us and knows each of our need and knows us more than we know ourselves. I love him with all my might, mind and strength.
As the hymns says:
So amid the conflict, whether great or small,
Do not be discouraged; God is over all.
Count your many blessings; angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you to your journey's end.
("Count Your Blessings," Hymns, no. 241)
I am so grateful for God's Love for All of Us. He is and will always be with us no matter how hard life maybe. Ho loves each one of us and knows each of our need and knows us more than we know ourselves. I love him with all my might, mind and strength.
personal journal
My four year old son watches Hannah Montana!
personal journal
Friday, July 25, 2008
I Love You This Much Award

I grabbed this Award from Vhiel. I think it is Sweet and Cute and well worth sharing with our friends in real life and also with our fellow bloggers. I got this back from Danah, Thank You Dear!
Now, I want to give it to my close friend: Juliet and fellow bloggers Maybel, Umma, Kateloves, Tess, Michelle, Sheng, Juliana, Sweetiepie, Pinaymama and NanayBelen.
Anyone who like it, you are free to grab it and share it with your friends. Thanks Vhiel for letting us grab this very kind and sweet tag.
My Little Man and Buddy is going to school soon!
personal journal
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Longest Breakfast Menu Lists
Thanks a lot for this tag, Nona :-)Let’s learn what blogger’s favorite meal (Breakfast) is. Simple straightforward meme and great for link love. Enjoy your Breakfast!
*Start copy here*
The Longest Breakfast Menu List.
Everyone likes to start their day with a comfort food for breakfast. What kind of food do you take? This would be a good way to find out your blogger friend’s favorite food for breakfast.All you need to do is to put your name down, the country you are in and your favorite breakfast meal. Let’s see how we can have this breakfast ‘menu’ traveled all around cyberspace and learn what each blogger living in different country and what they eat for breakfast.
This meme was created by a little lady with a penchant to spy around little baskets while marketing. Her favorite breakfast of the day is none other than Roti Prata, Indian flat bread. What about you? What is your favorite breakfast meal of the day?
1. Spymama, Singapore - Roti Prata 2. Yyun, Singapore - Wantan Mee 3. A Simple Life, Philippines - Tapsilog (tapa, garlic rice & egg) 4. Say Cheese, DE - fried rice, egg or sausage 5. NONA, China- Toast bread, egg and coffee 6. Cecile2, United States – Fruit, Cereal and Juice
*End copy here*
Now I am passing it to: Pinaymama, Javril, Jemi, Maricel, Marlyn and Retchel.
*Start copy here*
The Longest Breakfast Menu List.
Everyone likes to start their day with a comfort food for breakfast. What kind of food do you take? This would be a good way to find out your blogger friend’s favorite food for breakfast.All you need to do is to put your name down, the country you are in and your favorite breakfast meal. Let’s see how we can have this breakfast ‘menu’ traveled all around cyberspace and learn what each blogger living in different country and what they eat for breakfast.
This meme was created by a little lady with a penchant to spy around little baskets while marketing. Her favorite breakfast of the day is none other than Roti Prata, Indian flat bread. What about you? What is your favorite breakfast meal of the day?
1. Spymama, Singapore - Roti Prata 2. Yyun, Singapore - Wantan Mee 3. A Simple Life, Philippines - Tapsilog (tapa, garlic rice & egg) 4. Say Cheese, DE - fried rice, egg or sausage 5. NONA, China- Toast bread, egg and coffee 6. Cecile2, United States – Fruit, Cereal and Juice
*End copy here*
Now I am passing it to: Pinaymama, Javril, Jemi, Maricel, Marlyn and Retchel.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Mom's Real Life Spa Treatments
If going to the spa is beyond your budget, try at-home treatments ...
Eyebrow Threading
Body Wrap
I grabbed it from Maybel, thank you for this one. It is so cute and so TRUE!

I grabbed it from Maybel, thank you for this one. It is so cute and so TRUE!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A Strong Cup of Coffee Award
I got this tag from NanayBelen and JeanChia I would like to thank them for the thought, even though I don't drink coffee for religious reason first and for health second.
I am passing this award to my friends out there, and to those who didn’t get this yet; you are all welcome to grab this.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Jake is off to school today...
Jacob came home from school yesterday coughing like crazy. My poor little boy is having an allergy attack again. So last night, we decided for him not to go to school today. It was really hard for him to play outside anymore since we moved here in Virginia. There are trees and vegetations everywhere that cause him to sneeze, cough and have runny nose. Allergy medicine works, but we don't want him to be totally dependent on it because we think in the long run allergy medicines will have long term effect on him. Anyway, here is home today with me. He is playing a lot and I took pictures of him while playing.
personal journal
Monday, July 14, 2008
TAG: Interrogate Me!
This tag is from Maybel , Juliet, Pinaymama and Imelda. Thank you Dear! I hope you won't mind that I have posted it here instead on my first blog/site.
Here goes...
1.WHAT DATE IS IT?:: July 15, 2008
2. WHAT TIME DID U WAKE UP?:: 8:00am
3. DID U GO SOMEWHERE YESTERDAY?:: Yes, at the Mall with my family
4. WHAT DID U DO THERE?:: Shopped, ate and played at Playplace
5. HOW OLD ARE U?:: 40 (tanda ko na anoh?)
6. ARE U MATURE OR IMMATURE?:: Immature sometimes
7. WHAT DO U CALL UR MOM & DAD?:: Inang and Ama
8. ARE U AN ONLY CHILD?:: No, I have 4 siblings.
9. WHERE DO U GO SHOPPING?:: Malls, Wal-Mart, Kroger, Target, Ukrops, Farmers Market and Flea Market
10. DO U LIKE SCHOOL?:: Yes!
11. DO U LIKE BOOKS?:: Yes, scriptures, church magazines and self- improvement books
12. DO U WANT TO GET MARRIED?:: I am already married
13. WITH WHOM?:: My husband, and I will marry him again if I have to
14. ARE U SPOILED?:: Yes, sometimes
15. WHATS THE MOST FLATTERING COMPLIMENT U EVER GOT?:: that I am a good mother and teacher. (ehem!)
16. ONLY GIRL/BOY IN THE FAMILY?:: No, have a sister and three brothers
18. WOULD U LIKE TO MEET Josh Hartnett?:: Sure
19. Where do u think your bestfriend is?:: Home
21. U THINK SHE/HE NEEDS U NOW?:: I am not sure, but if she needs me now, am just a phone call away.
22. WHAT DO U WANT FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY?:: A trip to the Philippines
23. IF U WERE TO BUY A CAR , WHICH CAR WOULD IT BE?:: AUDI Convertible (only because my hubby wants one)
24. A DUET WITH HEART EVANGELISTA?:: No, I don't know her, sorry :-(
25. DO U WEAR MAKE-UP?:: Occasionally
26. WHAT LIP BALM DO U USE?:: Khiels
28. BELLY PIERCE?:: No, not ever
29. HOW MANY KIDS DO U WANT?:: 2 , but only have 1 (glad to him in our family)
30. DO U HAVE ANY HOMEWORK?:: No, but housework a lot!
31. ANY SONG THAT YOU'RE LISTENING?:: Love is all around
33. WHERE DO U WANT TO GO NOW?:: Bed, it is 2:01am (here now)
I am now passing it to: Gles, Lisa, Danah, Race and Nanay Belen
Here goes...
1.WHAT DATE IS IT?:: July 15, 2008
2. WHAT TIME DID U WAKE UP?:: 8:00am
3. DID U GO SOMEWHERE YESTERDAY?:: Yes, at the Mall with my family
4. WHAT DID U DO THERE?:: Shopped, ate and played at Playplace
5. HOW OLD ARE U?:: 40 (tanda ko na anoh?)
6. ARE U MATURE OR IMMATURE?:: Immature sometimes
7. WHAT DO U CALL UR MOM & DAD?:: Inang and Ama
8. ARE U AN ONLY CHILD?:: No, I have 4 siblings.
9. WHERE DO U GO SHOPPING?:: Malls, Wal-Mart, Kroger, Target, Ukrops, Farmers Market and Flea Market
10. DO U LIKE SCHOOL?:: Yes!
11. DO U LIKE BOOKS?:: Yes, scriptures, church magazines and self- improvement books
12. DO U WANT TO GET MARRIED?:: I am already married
13. WITH WHOM?:: My husband, and I will marry him again if I have to
14. ARE U SPOILED?:: Yes, sometimes
15. WHATS THE MOST FLATTERING COMPLIMENT U EVER GOT?:: that I am a good mother and teacher. (ehem!)
16. ONLY GIRL/BOY IN THE FAMILY?:: No, have a sister and three brothers
18. WOULD U LIKE TO MEET Josh Hartnett?:: Sure
19. Where do u think your bestfriend is?:: Home
21. U THINK SHE/HE NEEDS U NOW?:: I am not sure, but if she needs me now, am just a phone call away.
22. WHAT DO U WANT FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY?:: A trip to the Philippines
23. IF U WERE TO BUY A CAR , WHICH CAR WOULD IT BE?:: AUDI Convertible (only because my hubby wants one)
24. A DUET WITH HEART EVANGELISTA?:: No, I don't know her, sorry :-(
25. DO U WEAR MAKE-UP?:: Occasionally
26. WHAT LIP BALM DO U USE?:: Khiels
28. BELLY PIERCE?:: No, not ever
29. HOW MANY KIDS DO U WANT?:: 2 , but only have 1 (glad to him in our family)
30. DO U HAVE ANY HOMEWORK?:: No, but housework a lot!
31. ANY SONG THAT YOU'RE LISTENING?:: Love is all around
33. WHERE DO U WANT TO GO NOW?:: Bed, it is 2:01am (here now)
I am now passing it to: Gles, Lisa, Danah, Race and Nanay Belen
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Youngest in the Kenyon Clan.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Friday Feast!
Eds tagged me with this cute Feast, thank you dear!
When was the last time you had your hair cut/trimmed?
It was five months ago when we were still living in Texas (miss that hairdresser for he did a good job with my hair)
Name one thing you miss about being a child.
Playing almost all the time and going to bed without worry at all (and sleep like a baby)
Pick one: butter, margarine or olive oil
Olive Oil (because it is healthy)
Main Course:
If you could learn another language, which one would you pick, and why?
French, no question about it ( don't know why, but it's kinda cute and romantic :-).
Finish this sentence: In 5 years I expect to be…
Living out of the state where we live now and owning a house again and visiting my family in the Philippines again :-)!
1. kathycot 2. milet 3. And Miles To Go...4. genny 5. cecile 6. cecile2
Now, I want to share this Feast with my friends: Retchel, Jamie, Danah, Sheng and Michelle.
Keep it rolling , guys! Thanks.
When was the last time you had your hair cut/trimmed?
It was five months ago when we were still living in Texas (miss that hairdresser for he did a good job with my hair)
Name one thing you miss about being a child.
Playing almost all the time and going to bed without worry at all (and sleep like a baby)
Pick one: butter, margarine or olive oil
Olive Oil (because it is healthy)
Main Course:
If you could learn another language, which one would you pick, and why?
French, no question about it ( don't know why, but it's kinda cute and romantic :-).
Finish this sentence: In 5 years I expect to be…
Living out of the state where we live now and owning a house again and visiting my family in the Philippines again :-)!
1. kathycot 2. milet 3. And Miles To Go...4. genny 5. cecile 6. cecile2
Now, I want to share this Feast with my friends: Retchel, Jamie, Danah, Sheng and Michelle.
Keep it rolling , guys! Thanks.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Food for the Soul
I am a person who loves quotations and food for the thought. They make me feel inspired and uplifted. They motivates me to be a better person, wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister, aunt and sister in- law; and most of all... a daughter of our Heavenly Father.
In all of living have much fun and laughter.
Life is to be enjoyed not just endured.
-Gordon B. Hinckley-
The happiest people don't have the best of everything.
They just make the most of everything.
- Unkown-
In all of living have much fun and laughter.
Life is to be enjoyed not just endured.
-Gordon B. Hinckley-
The happiest people don't have the best of everything.
They just make the most of everything.
- Unkown-
food for thought
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Busy?... Not again!
Today was a busy day today; with my hubby being off at work today, we got the chance to go to our dentist for a filling. It took two hours for just two small cavity one each. I cannot believe it! Doctors or dentists nowadays do different things; one reason why we need to seek for another opinion elsewhere when we are in doubt about their findings. Anyway, after that appointment, we went to for a lunch since it was lunch time already, picked up our son at daycare and went ahead to see my husband's sleep doctor for a prescription for his CPAP machine. After our doctors’ appointments today, finally we have done our monthly shopping at Asian market/store so I can make Filipino foods alternative to American foods. At around 2:00 in the afternoon we were on our way home. Oh wait a minute, there was one more stop before home; it was to order for his new CPAP machine. Hubby can not live without it anymore for he has sleep apnea because of him being a little bit overweight. We are both glad because of the prescription; he can ask our family doctor now for Lap Band surgery prescription, for that is the only way now to loose weight gradually. Well, even though we have had a busy day, we still managed to take a nap after the long day. I am glad!
personal journal
Thursday, July 3, 2008
My Blog Reading Level
Got this tagged from my dear friend, Juliet. Thanks!
1. Take the Readability Test for your blog(s) here.2. Paste the result on your site.3. Copy and paste this tag on your blog (make sure to include the links).4. Add your link to this tag.5. Tag as many friends / readers / victims as you want.
Movie Reviews
Participants:1. Ness 2. 3. My Angels World 4. Cecile Your site here..I am tagging some of my co bloggers: Belen, Danah, Jemi and Race.
1. Take the Readability Test for your blog(s) here.2. Paste the result on your site.3. Copy and paste this tag on your blog (make sure to include the links).4. Add your link to this tag.5. Tag as many friends / readers / victims as you want.

Movie Reviews
Participants:1. Ness 2. 3. My Angels World 4. Cecile Your site here..I am tagging some of my co bloggers: Belen, Danah, Jemi and Race.
Question Tag
Racelyn tagged me with this one, thanks dear!
The rules are simple. At the end of the post, the player tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leave a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.
1. What was I'm doing 10 years ago?-> Working at Bench, Japanese Company, Living in Malaysia
2. What are the 5 things on my to-do list tomorrow?->Pray right after I wake up, Go and watch the parade and fireworks for the 4th of July celebration with my family, Do barbeque in the backyard, Go to the mall to watch the movie with family and then Rest and Relax after that!
3. Snacks I enjoy:-> Fruits and nuts
4. Place where I lived:-> Philippines (Cavite,Muntinlupa, Isabela, Nueva Ecija, Mindanao), Malaysia (KL)United States (Richardson, Texas)
5. Things I’d do if I were a billionaire:-> Help my family in the Philippines, Send all my nieces to college, Bring my parentsto live here in US (if they want to), Buy a second house, Save for emergency, Help relatives, Donate for a good cause and Travel around the World.
6. People I want to know more about:-> Online friends, people around me like: Reyapot, Ruby, Maricel, Maureen, Maybel and Winter.
The rules are simple. At the end of the post, the player tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leave a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.
1. What was I'm doing 10 years ago?-> Working at Bench, Japanese Company, Living in Malaysia
2. What are the 5 things on my to-do list tomorrow?->Pray right after I wake up, Go and watch the parade and fireworks for the 4th of July celebration with my family, Do barbeque in the backyard, Go to the mall to watch the movie with family and then Rest and Relax after that!
3. Snacks I enjoy:-> Fruits and nuts
4. Place where I lived:-> Philippines (Cavite,Muntinlupa, Isabela, Nueva Ecija, Mindanao), Malaysia (KL)United States (Richardson, Texas)
5. Things I’d do if I were a billionaire:-> Help my family in the Philippines, Send all my nieces to college, Bring my parentsto live here in US (if they want to), Buy a second house, Save for emergency, Help relatives, Donate for a good cause and Travel around the World.
6. People I want to know more about:-> Online friends, people around me like: Reyapot, Ruby, Maricel, Maureen, Maybel and Winter.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Sotanghon Recipe

Vegetable oil, 2 pieces pork chop ( cut julienne style). Shrimp, chicken, beef or combination can be used, too. Chicken or beef stock , Salt, Calamansi juice (or lemon or lime juice), Onion - chopped, Garlic (sliced), Atsuete (annatto) powder dissolved in water (optional). Carrots - cut julienne style or crosswise, Greens beans or snow peas, Cabbage - shredded, Cauliflower or Broccoli. You can also add Mushrooms, Bamboo shoots and Water chestnut , Ground white pepper, Soy Sauce, Hard boiled eggs and Green onions
Vegetable oil, 2 pieces pork chop ( cut julienne style). Shrimp, chicken, beef or combination can be used, too. Chicken or beef stock , Salt, Calamansi juice (or lemon or lime juice), Onion - chopped, Garlic (sliced), Atsuete (annatto) powder dissolved in water (optional). Carrots - cut julienne style or crosswise, Greens beans or snow peas, Cabbage - shredded, Cauliflower or Broccoli. You can also add Mushrooms, Bamboo shoots and Water chestnut , Ground white pepper, Soy Sauce, Hard boiled eggs and Green onions
Soak sotanghon noodle in chicken stock or a warm water to make it soft and easy to cut. Once the noodles are thoroughly soft, you need to cut them into manageable length. Use kitchen scissors which you really have to have in your kitchen.
Soak sotanghon noodle in chicken stock or a warm water to make it soft and easy to cut. Once the noodles are thoroughly soft, you need to cut them into manageable length. Use kitchen scissors which you really have to have in your kitchen.
Heat oil in a kawali (wok) and deep fry your garlic pieces until they are golden brown and crisp; for garnish.
Add sliced onion to the hot oil. Stir until the slices become transparent.
Add the meat, constantly stirring and mixing them until they become brown. Add soy sauce and let it simmer for a minute or so or untill the meat is tender. then add all the vegetables, constantly mixing /stirring them. You need to have a very hot wok - have your stove set on high.
Add a little bit of chicken stock . Adjust seasoning - pinch of salt, pinch of ground white pepper, a tablespoon of soy sauce. Add the atsuete coloring. Simmer for about 3-4 minutes.
Add the sotanghon noodles and mix until they absorb the liquid.
That's it. You can then dish the noodles out to a serving dish and garnish with crisp garlic, green onions, sliced hard boiled egg o , lemon slices or wedges and chopped parsley.
Serve hot!
Add the sotanghon noodles and mix until they absorb the liquid.
That's it. You can then dish the noodles out to a serving dish and garnish with crisp garlic, green onions, sliced hard boiled egg o , lemon slices or wedges and chopped parsley.
Serve hot!
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