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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Jake is off to school today...

As you can see, he is starting to get impatient here trying to put the train track together.
He was asking for help here, but told him, that he can do it!
Here is all coming along and he is feeling much better :-)

Jacob came home from school yesterday coughing like crazy. My poor little boy is having an allergy attack again. So last night, we decided for him not to go to school today. It was really hard for him to play outside anymore since we moved here in Virginia. There are trees and vegetations everywhere that cause him to sneeze, cough and have runny nose. Allergy medicine works, but we don't want him to be totally dependent on it because we think in the long run allergy medicines will have long term effect on him. Anyway, here is home today with me. He is playing a lot and I took pictures of him while playing.

1 comment:

Juliet said...

jacob, freddy missed you