Saturday, May 28, 2011
Fashionable Medical Uniforms

My Wish Lists
Wrting Letters
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Desperate to Lose Weight
It's Now or Never!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Chic In Black Monday: Winter Vest
Monday, May 16, 2011
Why You Need to Keep You Credit in Good Standing
Friday, May 13, 2011
Friday Fill-Ins
Here we go!
1. I know my Savior Lives and that He loves me.
2. Honey, please change you work schedule if at all possible.
3. This weather has been great for my son's school the field day today.
4. I don;t think it is a problem.
5. I'm really happy I have the ability to discern people's feelings and needs.
6. I might be cleaning my son's room, or something to that effect.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleeping early with y son, tomorrow my plans include laundry, take my son to McDo, and prepare Sunday School lessons and Sunday, I want to to go church prepared physically and spiritually!
We Love Gardening!
Maternity Clothes, Why Do I Still Keep Them?
Trendy Medical Uniforms
Monday, May 9, 2011
Chic In Black Monday: Sandals

Saturday, May 7, 2011
Messy Go Round: Spaghetti

Postcards As An Advertising Medium
One of the most effective marketing tools is the postcard. Through its colorful prints and powerful design, it may lure and entice prospective clients and customers. It should be created to deliver a message and that through it, a company will be able to build its brand and have positive image to customers; thus leaving a fine impression. Some customers do respond through postcard. Companies may use the back side of the postcard to gain replies from customers. It is through these responses that the companies will know what the customers think of their products and services, making it an important communication tool between the company and the clients.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Engagement Ring Insurance
A Surprise Gift for My Parents!
Mother's Day Contest

Here is my answer to the question:
According to my husband, I am the best Mom among all the mothers in the world because I almost gave up my life just to bring my only child/son into the world. How? Although my doctor told me not to get pregnant again because it would be very risky to me and the baby due to my health issues, I did it anyway because I know I am doing the right thing....which is to help Heavenly Father (God) bring one of HIS spirit child into this world. Read more on Life is Good and Beautiful. My son also told me in many occasions that "I am the Best Mom" because I do everything for him. He always appreciate the things I do for him. So, there you go!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Good Morning USA
Everyone who loves nighttime cartoons knows the first words of, "Good Morning USA" is the beginning of the cartoon, American Dad. It is about Stan Smith and his family, his alien and his job. He is Mr. America and works for the CIA. Until the American Dad cartoon came on, I did not know the CIA could be so much fun. His boss sounds a lot like someone from other shows. Hmmm.. I know who it is, but why ruin it for others. His hot wife is Francine and for some reason her memory of certain events keeps getting erased. It always happens with some type of CIA involvement and when Stan wants her to have only good memories so he does not get in trouble. Then their is his very liberal daughter, Hail! ey. She is the cute, hippie type, always fighting against her conservative father. But we have learned that Hailey has been trained as an operative in waiting when she was just a child. Now Stan has a great son, but he is a skinny geek, still coming into his own in life. He is smart, cute and cannot quite get the girl. The whole family is great. They are funny and they have an alien living with them that Stan rescued from the CIA. Roger the alien lives in the Smith family attic and is a master of changing his looks. I love watching my favorite hero on satellite tv from www.ExpertSatellite.com and I never miss a show.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Chic In Black Monday: Fashion Jewelry