It is every woman’s desire to own a very nice, unique and brand name Lingerie, and I am one of those women. When I shop I always go to the mall where you will find Designer Lingerie. Lately, I have been busy to go out and shop, so I decided to go online and shop for some bras I needed. I found where they sell huge selections of designer lingerie, swimwear, bras, briefs, camisole, night wear, maternity lingerie and more. I don’t mind paying more for brand name bras as long as the material is in good quality and comfortable to wear. And that is what they have. I particularly like their selections of bras especially the brands like: FreyaLingerie, Fayreform Lingerie, Freya and Fayreform . I just wished I have known this designer lingerie when I was still pregnant and was still breastfeeding my son. Nowadays, it is very hard to find a bra that comfortable and have good quality. Right now, they are available from the US and internationally, in the UK (Kiki De Montparnasse from NYC, Undrest from LA), both available at Boudiche. And if you need plus sized bras, they are now avalable in UK brands and they even offering more D+ cup sizes, i.e. Fleur T stocked at Boudiche, to a GG cup size. Boudiche also have cup size swimwear if you are looking for one. Make no mistake, Boudiche is a fashion, designer orientated, luxury stylish brand, and not a cheap brand boutique lingerie you will find in an ordinary boutique. So don’t be surprised if you pay a little bit more than the one you normally purchase at the mall or boutique.

What is that a picture of?
It looks like a zoomed in picture of a couch.
Blogging about Online Gaming and Virtual Worlds:
Ok. New picture there.
That one definitely shows off the merchandise in a more appealing fashion.
Blogging about Online Gaming and Virtual Worlds:
muckbeast, thanks for the comments :-) yup, didn't know what to do, tried to resize it but it didn't work. i don't want it to be late or expired, so i decided to post it, then my close friend resize it for me. there it is, new image where ou can see the whole picture :-)
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