Thursday, April 30, 2009
Affordable and Quality Made Restaurant Seating
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Get Your Free Cellphones Today!
Are You Looking for Older Women to Date?
Buy Tickets at Redline
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Dual Action Cleanse

Blogger Buddy Award

Shydub of Simple Happy Life
Ate Vhing of Yanorzah's Journey
Amy of Amiable Amy
Dhemz of Life Perception and Inspiration
Liza of This is My Life
Maria of Maria In Living America
Tata of AngelMist
Cacai of Cacai's Step and Journey
Julianna of PinayWAHM
Umma of Happy Moments, Happy Thoughts
Clarissa of Kizuna
Niko at Niko's blog
Payatot of Payatot Lahat Dito Chubby
Madz of The Pride of Hingotanan Bohol
Maus of Around Nature Spring
Malou of The Journey
David Funk of Basic Bloganomics
Lisa of Lisgold
Rose of Obstacles and Glories
Joops of Sailor's Adventures and Opinions
And those who are on my lists, please grab it guys, for you are my buddy bloggers, too :-)!
Helicopter Lawyers
The Many Pictures of Us Sleeping

Meet Friendly Christian People Online
Monday, April 27, 2009
Vending Business, Quickest and Safest Return
Our Neighbor is Back!
The Best Hosting Solution is Here!
Treatment for Acne
The 8 Tag
8 Things I'm Looking Forward To
1. The end of Jacob's Pre-K this school year.
2. Moving out of state.
3. My husband's next job.
4. Jacob's Birthday this July.
5. Next week's outing on the beach at Virginia Beach.
6. Our 9th Wedding Anniversary this September.
7. A reunion on my family side.
8. Our second house/home.
8 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Get my son ready for school.
2. Check my blood sugar level out.
3. Ate breakfast with my husband.
4. Went to church with hubby and son.
5. Took a nap after lunch.
6. Watched Disney with hubby and son after dinner.
7. Read book, pray and put my son to bed.
8. Prepared my son backpack for school, worked with my blogs and dropped EC's before finally going to bed.
8 Things I Wish I Could Do
1. Visit my family in the Philippines with hubby and son.
2. Exercise more with hubby.
3. Have more time playing with my son.
4. Have more time to read good books.
5. Have more time to blog.
6. Go back to school and earn a degree in Nursing.
7. Have more patience with son and hubby.
8. Go to the temple often.
8 Shows I Watch
1. Good Morning America
2. Super Why
3. Antique Show
4. Ugly Betty
5. George Lopez
6. Globe Trekker
7. News at 8
8. Jeopardy
8 People I Tag
1. Juliet of My Little LoveBugs
2. Sweetipie of Texas Life
3. Beng of Beng's Entertainment Spree
4. Meryl of Places, Peoples, Events, Good Food and My Life
5. Tata of AngelMist
6. Maria of Maria is Living in America
7. Karla of Be Learned, Originate your Gains
8. Geraldine of Embracing my Past, Present and Future Life
The Great Las Vegas Shows
Meet the Man/Woman of Your Dream!
Capezio, Place for Great Dancewear!
Dreaming of Night!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Resolve to Keep Resolutions

1. Set realistic goals. It is easier to set a goal than execute one. Start small, and once you achieve your goal, you can extend it by adding another level.
2. Share goals with your spouse or a close friend and help each other follow through with your resolutions. Set a schedule for checking in and reporting your progress with each other. This will help you stay motivated and give you something fun to do with your friend!
3. Make a short list of resolutions. You'll be overwhelmed enough with one resolution; you won't need twenty to keep you busy. Sometimes people set numerous goals, hoping to achieve at least one of them. Instead, they usually put a little effort into all of them and don't achieve any. Set one or two realistic goals, and follow through with them.
4. Even if you don't completely reach your goal, recognize the progress that you have made in working toward it. Feel proud of yourself for your accomplishment, and reward yourself accordingly!
Finding Love is Never Been Easier!
Weekend Activity...
Friday, April 24, 2009
Colon Cleansing and Weight Loss Diet Cleanse
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Mommy Moments - Daddy Time

It makes me happy every time I see my Husband and son bond together. That is the moments where where I see the kid in my husband's heart. Leaving them for two weeks gave them more time to do things together and that is so precious to me. So here are some pictures I took during those bonding moments they have.

They are my priceless possessions I will always keep in my heart....and in my mind as well :-). And this is my Mommy Moments entry for this week.
Great Painting Job at Des Moines
Quality Outdoor Gear and Clothing for Men and Women

Protect Your Family During Difficult Time
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Cowboy Shoes and the Bike...
Local Chat Rooms, Place to Meet and Chat
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Right and Best Shoes for Kids

Something's Squirrely in Here.
Finally my husband decided to buy a squirrel trap and put it in the attic, soon enough we never heard any squirrel noise again in the attic. If you have the same problem as we do regarding squirrels, you better go to; they sell all kinds of live animals traps, animal repellants, and pet supplies. They even have the squirrel repellants . This is new to me, I think and next time we use squirrel repellants once they strike again. Their website also provide help & advice, access to experts, and a variety of caring control solutions that you may need to solve your animal control problem. You can trust them for they are in the business for over 60 years now!
Manners 101 Ages 5 - 7
Increase your expectations. At this age your child should exhibit basic table manners, greet adults and carry on a simple conversation, receive and extend a compliment, introduce family and friends, and respect the feelings of others.
Provide a prompt. If your child forgets to place her napkin on her lap, you should quietly lean over and whisper, "What are we supposed to do before we start eating?" This gives her the opportunity to do the right thing. Be gentle in your reminder, though. Your child will be more likely to remember the right behavior next time if you don't belittle her for her slip up.
Prepare your child for situations. Since five- to seven-year-olds are involved in adult situations such as family reunions, meals at restaurants, and eating at a friend's house without you, be sure your child is equipped with an understanding of appropriate manners for each of these events. Remind your child, for example, that it's not proper to start eating until everyone has been served.Monday, April 20, 2009
Home Remodeling
Quotes About Women

"Of this you may be certain: the Lord especially loves righteous women - women who are not only faithful but filled with faith, women who are striving to live and serve as women of God."
~~M. Russell Ballard~~
“Behind every good man is a good woman,” the old saying goes.
How can a wife help her husband grow and progress and be a priesthood leader in the home without criticizing, nagging, or making him feel like he’s not measuring up?
Read from the book of John ByTheWay
Blog Aggregator Hosting
My Latin Name - Cecilia
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Finnish
Pronounced: sə-SEE-lee-ə (English), sə-SEEL-yə (English), che-CHEE-lyah (Italian), the-THEE-lyah (Spanish), se-SEE-lyah (Latin American Spanish) [key]
Latinate feminine form of the Roman family name Caecilius, which was derived from Latin caecus "blind". Saint Cecilia was a semi-legendary 2nd- or 3rd-century martyr who was sentenced to die because she refused to worship the Roman gods. After attempts to suffocate her failed, she was beheaded. She was later regarded as the patron saint of music and musicians.
Due to the popularity of the saint, the name became common in the Christian world during the Middle Ages. It was brought by the Normans to England, where it was commonly spelled CecilyCecilia came into use in the 18th century.
Support America with Patriotic Blogging

Schumacher Homes, Best In Custom Built
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Term Life Insurance Rate Comparison
My Cousins and I
Fat Burner
From the Bottom of Our Hearts...

Hair Loss Treatments
Top Ten Family Volunteer Tips

1. Beautify a local park.
2. Spend quality time with the elderly.
3. Look in your attic or basement for old fans and AC units to donate.
4. Clean out your closets and donate your clothing.
5. Volunteer to help out at a local race.
6. Host a bake sale and donate proceeds to charity.
7. Donate cleaning supplies to a homeless shelter.
8. Help build affordable housing for those in need.
9. Volunteer at a local pet shelter.
10. Surf the net for other opportunities.
Weight Loss Pills
Best Blogger Award

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Dallas HVAC Contractor
We are Financially Healthy!?
Your Money Personality is Healthy |
![]() You have a good relationship with money. You don't spend wildly, but you're not opposed to treating yourself on occasion. In general, you save some of what you earn. You know the importance of a nest egg. You aren't afraid of being financially literate - you embrace learning more about finances. From a retirement plan to having an emergency fund, you know what you need to have to be safe. |
Best Web Hosting Review Site

Grandma's Children
Will be posing some more pix later...of here grandkids, great grandkids as well as great- great grandkids.
The Best Vacations Are Free!
a 6-night stay for four at the luxurious Omni ChampionsGate Resort which includes dinner in one of five unique onsite restaurants with breakfast daily
a couple’s massage at the Omni ChampionsGate Resort’s European-style spa
Camp Omni Kids’ escape for two
a one-day Cabana rental
a round of golf for two at the ChampionsGate Golf Club
So, if you are looking for a luxurious vacation, you better visit their site for more details and enter the sweepstakes. Who knows you might be the lucky one to get the dream vacation you have been wishing for, for a long time now. Lose nothing for it is free and no purchase necessary.

Home At Last!
Best Hawaii Vacation

Are you planning a vacation in Hawaii with your family? Or just interested on having your honeymoon there. If so, I am sure you would really enjoy any places of the entire islands. Maui is one of the best place in Hawaii where Ka'anapali Resort is located. This Maui Resort is great for honeymooners as well as vacationers. It is also a place where your whole family will enjoy lot of sports activities such as golf, swimming, snorkeling, hiking, and bike riding. Your kids will have so much fun with the programs dedicated just for them. Enjoy foods in their restaurant and paper yourself with the spa and swimming pool as well. This resort is surrounded by tropical gardens and has hundreds of rooms to accommodate plenty of vacationers. One more thing I like about this place is they even host many special occasions such as Maui Weddings . My family and I loves camping, fishing, and crabbing...and these are the things we would do first once we go there someday. How about you?

Kawaii Blog Award

As you all know, I love tags and awards, that is why I posted them right away.
The simple rules that go with it are:
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her kawaii blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate all the blogs that you think deserve this award (*kawaii of course!*).
4. Put the links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve nominated!
Now, I am sharing this award to All bloggers who who keeps visiting my blog no matter what.
Grab it guys, for you so deserve this award, too!
Online Dating for Single Mothers
Every single mom deserves a second chance of happiness and that can happens also through online chat room. At single mom dating will find the man of her dream where she can exchange ideas and thoughts and success stories and experiences about being a single parent and how to deal with kids and stuffs. Join them now for it is 100% free membership