Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Address Labels and Stationary
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Friday Fill Ins

So...here we go!
1. Three things I must have on my Thanksgiving table: Turkey, pumpkin pie, mashed sweet potato.
2. Jake was scared to sleep alone in his bedroom and so he sacked out on the couch.
3. This is what we expected all along.
4. My son asked me to decorate our house before Thanksgiving.
5. Oh, man, thankfully it's almost all over now.
6. We need to perfect the art of being grateful.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to finishing some tasks, tomorrow my plans include doing some laundry and prepare for my lesson and Sunday, I want to attend church services and then rest/nap in the afternoon!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I Love Coupons!
My Little Bookworm
Friday, November 19, 2010
Huge Savings at Buy.com
Friday Fill Ins

1. Why does he lost his delicious tooth that early?
2. Our great wish is to travel and see the world.
3. Thank you for being such a true friend.
4. Easter is my favorite holiday because it reminds me of the Savior's Death and Resurrection.
5. I am SO excited for our weekend escapades with the Friers.
6. We are the products that make up our minds to be.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to finishing my paid tasks and sleeping early, tomorrow my plans include taking my son to his karate lessons, maybe help our new friends with their move, ice skate try out for Jacob, and afternoon escapades with the Friers and Sunday, I want to attend church and teach my CTR5 class, then attend a birthday party in the afternoon!

In Need of Opiate Detox?
A Velo Bind at Our Home Office
I Do Take Melatonin
It Depends!
Battle of the Cranberry Sauces
It seems that every year after my extended family figures out who's house we're going to meet at to have our huge extended family Thanksgiving lunch together, then we have to fight and deal with second big Thanksgiving question together, what kind of cranberry sauce we're all going to have.
We corresponded through email to figure out where we were going to meet and after we figured that out, I hit reply to all and asked about the cranberry sauce. When I was doing that I was just surfing through the internet too and came across this site www.cleartvbundle.com. I think that my sister had told me about this internet company and said that she had it, so I decided to sign us up for it at home.
When it comes to cranberry sauce, I know that my kids will only eat the stuff out of the can because they won't believe me when I say that any of the other stuff is actually cranberry sauce. So I know that we'll have to have some of that to make them happy.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Miss Wearing Small Size Clothing
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Georgia Aquarium: Behind The Scenes
Contribution by Odis Chan
My sons and I are once again planning a trip to the Georgia Aquarium. This time we will be taking the “Behind the Scenes Tour” which is a great tour offering insight into the inner workings of the largest aquarium on the planet. The interesting about this tour is that it allows us a view from the top of the tanks, instead of the usual view from the bottom. Hopefully some of the larger fish (one tank has a great white) will swim up for a closer look. The coral reef exhibit should also be interesting. While I know they are old enough to understand what a coral reef is, I don't know that they fully appreciate the diversity of life that lives there. They will also be involved with the aquarium staff as they prepare the food and discuss the nutritional needs of the different fish. Since Atlanta is a 45 minute drive from our home, I always take the time to set our home security alarm from HOME-ALARM-SYSTEMS.com. My kids may not understand the biodiversity of a coral reef, they do understand face book. I tell them not to post these things, but sometimes their excitement overrules me. As always, the penguins will probably be our favorite exhibit no matter how many sharks we see. Will remain true when they are teenagers? Time will tell.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Fun Costumes For Halloween
The Author of this post is Velma Baird
Grabbing candy for Halloween is definitely one of my favorite pastimes. As a kid, I loved to go trick or treating and gather up all the latest in candy goodness. Nowadays I take my children out to experience what to me is only a memory. We love heading out for the hunt and finding all kinds of new candy we didn't even know existed before we got out there going door to door.
The folks that answer the door are as friendly as ever, always making Halloween special for the parents and children that share it together. We hand out candy too if we get home in time, but most of the time we're too busy enjoying another tradition: watching a scary movie on cannonsatellite TV after returning home from a hard night's trick or treating.
The night of Halloween is something special to my family and me. We share in every part of the special occasion together, enjoying the fun of the walk door to door, combined with the eeriness of the night itself. There is no other holiday that is quite as unique as Halloween is, with all its candy treasures and celebrations of all things we'd never think to celebrate otherwise.
I love Halloween, trick or treating and all, and I'm glad that my family and I can enjoy the tradition together.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Sam Houston National Forest - Best Place for Camping & Hiking
Thanks for the article from Alfred Maynard
Sam Houston national park is one of four National Forests located in Texas; with around 50 miles north of Houston, this forest contains 163, 037 acres between Huntsville, Conroe, Cleveland and Richards in Texas. During fourth or July, I had gone camping to Sam Houston Forest with six friends; it was a fun-filled camping experience. Before leaving for the camping all of us had set the security alarm system (ADT ALARM pricing) in the house for ensuring safety.
We enjoyed the Lone Star Hiking Trail extended over 128 miles through the Sam Houston National Forest; while camping we did fishing at Lake Conroe and experienced a wonderful hiking trail at this natural trail with tapered sandy paths through the forest with some grassy stretches. We also spotted many white-tailed deer, turkey, quail, dove, rabbits, foxes, and bobcats in these piney woods. The park has three developed campgrounds; these are Cagle, Double Lake and also Stubble-field recreation areas. In case of double lake, a prior reservation is applicable and also based upon a first-come, first-served basis. Both the Cagle and Stubble-field campsites are available only based on a first-come, first-served and offer campsites with lantern posts and picnic areas with dinner tables. Campers have options to go biking, hiking and also boating at Lake Conroe and Lake Livingston. Several water sports are also available for the campers and outsiders. This particular camping was very much exciting and enjoyable for all of us.