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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I Need Chromium Supplements

I got messages from one company I write posts for telling me that if I am one of those loggers who don't finish the tasks assigned to them, that their profile would be deactivated. Though I am not one of them, the messages reminded me to finish mine myself. I don't want my profile be gone for good. I never let an assignment expired 'cause if I do, that would mean I am irresponsible person, which I am not. Being a woman with lots of health issue, I am responsible for my health before my doctor. So when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes due to one of the medications I have been taking, I became very careful with what I put into my mouth. Based on number of studies, chromium supplements help treat diabetes, promote weight loss, lower blood lipid levels, and improve body composition. Chromium helped with satiety, too. I like that it helps reduced cravings for fats and sugars. This is good news since I am trying to lose weight, too as well as doing my best to manage my diabetes. From now on, I would take chromium supplements to make myself healthy.

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