Friday, October 31, 2008
Jacob at school....
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Gear Up Like the Pros Nikon ATB Promotion
Yummy Pumpkin Pie!

1 (9 inch) pie crust, baked
1 (3 ounce) package egg custard mix
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 1/4 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
1 1/2 cups pumpkin puree
1 2/3 cups sweetened condensed milk
1 egg, beaten
1 cup frozen whipped topping, thawed
In a large saucepan, combine custard mix, brown sugar, and pumpkin pie spice. Mix well, then add pumpkin, condensed milk, and egg. Whisk mixture until smooth, then cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a boil. Boil and stir 1 minute.
Pour mixture into baked pastry shell and chill. Garnish with whipped topping before serving.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Teaching Dragon to Spell SuperZ 2
Press Release:
The video above was created by a blogger that goes by the name, SuperZ. I couldn't write that name before using Dragon NaturallySpeaking until I trained Dragon NaturallySpeaking to recognize the name SuperZ.
I mention that because I'm using Dragon NaturallySpeaking right now to write this article (notice Dragon new when I said the words right now that I meant the word right and not the word to write).
I've been writing articles and reviews about Dragon NaturallySpeaking for close to two years. I've had a lot of experience with the software, and I wanted to reach out to other bloggers and see what they thought of the software.
SuperZ tried out the software and as you can see from his own video, the results that he's getting after having used the software for just a week are pretty amazing. His computer is keeping up with just about every word that he says, and typing those words out for him in text.
Well frankly that's exactly what Dragon NaturallySpeaking is supposed to do these days and it lives up to its claim of achieving 99% accuracy and I've clocked it typing faster than its claims of 150 words per minute.
That's right you can type 150 words a minute with Dragon NaturallySpeaking. You do have to spend a little time editing from time to time, but you type so fast that editing doesn't take that long. You get the typing done faster and the editing is a breeze because you only have to look at the way that you phrased words. Dragon NaturallySpeaking almost never makes a spelling mistake. It types out the entire word based on the vocabulary that has stored in the machine. So it really can't misspell a word it's pulling the word straight out of a dictionary.
The only exception might be the case when you run into a name like SuperZ, which is not in your dictionary yet. When you run across a name like that, all you have to do is add it into your dictionary and train the software to recognize that new word or name. It just takes a second and after that you'll be able to say SuperZ all you like and Dragon NaturallySpeaking will know exactly what you are talking about.
Brett Bumeter
Softduit Media
PS this article includes about 381 words that I wrote with Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10. It took me about 4 minutes to write and 4 minutes to edit this article. The writing time included the short amount of time it took to train dragon to recognize the name SuperZ. Editing took 4 minutes because I’ve been working all night and I’m not reading too fast!
Those were the days....

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Franchise Opportunities
Pumpkin Pie...
Wordpress Power Pack
Warning in the Kitchen!
Please read on:
A student at HBHS had pancakes this week and it almost became fatal. HisMom (registered nurse) made him pancakes, dropped him off at school and headed to play tennis. She never takes her cell phone on the court but did this time and her son called to say he was having trouble breathing. She told him to go to the nurse immediately and proceeded to call schooland alert the nurse. The nurse called the paramedics and they were therein 3 minutes and worked on the boy all the way to the hospital. He cameso close to dying. Evidently this is more common then I ever knew. Checkthe expiration dates on packages like pancakes and cake mixes that have yeast which over time develop spores.
WARNING ABOUT Pancake Mix (and other boxed mixes) (maybe you already know this, I DID NOT !!) Talk about frightening. ... Throw away ALL OUTDATED pancake mix you have in your home, PLEASE! Ifyou don't believe me, read this article and then follow the 'Link' below to SNOPES. Sorry to be the Grim Reaper of bad news, but I would rather have you ALIVE, besides a $2.00 box of pancake mix is NOT worth your life.
P. S. You might want to tell this to your children, grandchildren,nephews, nieces and anyone else who keeps pancake mix in the cupboard.
Be a "XML Grand Master."
Start now by registering for one of the following contests:
· Video Contest: Invent a creative use of XML, XQuery or DB2 and record yourself doing it.
· Gadget Contest: Develop a downloadable gadget or widget leveraging DB2.
· Query Contest: Use XQuery to find five answers. The best queries win the best prizes!
· Ported App Contest1: Port or develop a new app for DB2. Enter as an individual or assemble a team.
· XML2 Contest: Win by building useful, user-friendly XML apps from scratch. Enter as an individual or assemble a team.
Earn participation points for each entry. A special prize will be given to the contestant—the “XML Grand Master”—that amasses the most participation points. What are you waiting for? Go to their site now and take the quick quiz now!
The Language of Roses

Monday, October 27, 2008
Knock Down Debt

Sneaky Foods That Can Make You Fat
Perhaps you've tried to cut calories by replacing regular soft drinks with diet sodas or by switching from subs to salads, but you haven't noticed any weight loss. You might be surprised by how quickly sneaky extras, such as lattes loaded with whip cream and bleu cheese salad dressing, can add up.
1. Diet drinks. Artificial sweeteners may cause you to overeat by making it harder for your body to naturally count calories and disrupting its ability to gauge the relationship between food intake and weight, according to researchers at Purdue University. Try drinking water instead.
2. Salads. A garden salad with vinegar and oil dressing has only 93 calories and 5 grams of fat, but a chicken Caesar salad from Chili's has 1,010 calories and 76 grams of fat more fat in one seemingly healthy salad than the average woman should have in a day. Choose vinaigrette dressings over creamy dressings, like Ranch or bleu cheese.
3. Natural snacks. Chips and munchies labeled natural may not be as wholesome as they appear. For example, a single serving of Multigrain Tostitos has more calories than Tostitos restaurant-style chips and has more sugar (1 gram) than any of its Four Wholesome Grains,' charges the Center for Science in the Public Interest. Light chips are usually healthier but only if you can eat just one serving, which averages 11 chips.
4. Cocktails or beer. What do you drink when you head out for happy hour? If you treat yourself to an apple martini, which is loaded with 235 calories, prepare to jog an extra half an hour to burn off those calories. Mixing apple-flavored vodka with soda water gives you similar drink for less than half the calories.
5. Coffee. Your daily coffee break could add up. A 16-ounce grande Caffè Vanilla Frappuccino from Starbucks contains 430 calories, more than most cheeseburgers.
For starters, get rid of the whipped cream; it'll save you more than 100 calories. Or switch to a more basic coffee, such as café au lait, which contains only 110 calories.
6. Hidden sugar. Yogurt and granola are healthy choices, but watch out for added sugar. Some types of granola bars and yogurt cups are loaded with sugar or candy pieces, detracting from their nutritional value. Look carefully at what's been added.
Perfect Holiday Gifts
So sad...
Schumacher Homes Ohio
Jacob can write his name now!
Black Friday Shopping
I will definitely go to Best Buy to shop for a gift for my husband. This is going to be a surprise for him; they have a great deal on Blu-ray which is what he wants for Christmas. On top of that they also have huge selections of electronic gadget, HDTV, laptops and more. Amazing! Plus, BestBuy also has weekly great deals on electronics and promotions like free shipping on selected items. Holiday gifts shopping is never been easier at; you should try shopping there.
What is Love?
"Love is more than three words mumbled before bedtime. Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day."
"To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven."
"A love song is just a caress set to music."
"Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit."
"Love is like a violin. The music may stop now and then, but the strings remain forever."
"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence."
"In the final analysis, love is the only reflection of man's worth."
"Love doesn't make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile."
"To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving.
Therefore to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer.To be happy is to love. To be happy then is to suffer. But suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be unhappy one must love, or love to suffer, or suffer from too much happiness. I hope you're getting this down."
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Taking Online Degree, Easy!
A busy Saturday...

Friday, October 24, 2008
Pepperjam Search
Omega-3 Fatty Acids For Heart Health

Pepperjam Network
What's for dinner tonight, dear?

1/4 cup ketchup
3 Tbsp. hoisin sauce
4 whole chicken legs, about 2-1/2 lb.
4 slices bacon
2 bunches small carrots with tops, trimmed, or 12 oz. baby carrots
3/4 lb. sugar snap peas
8 oz. asparagus, trimmed and cut in 2-inch lengths
1 Tbsp. small fresh mint leaves
1. For sauce, in small bowl stir together the ketchup and hoist sauce; set aside.
2. Sprinkle chicken with 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. For charcoal grill, place chicken on rack, bone side up, directly over medium coals. Grill, uncovered, 35 to 45 minutes or until no longer pink (180°F), turning once halfway through and brushing with sauce last 10 minutes. (For gas grill, preheat grill. Reduce heat to medium. Place chicken on rack over heat. Cover; grill as above.)
3. Meanwhile, for vegetables, in 12-inch skillet cook bacon over medium-low heat until crisp. Drain on paper towels, reserving drippings in skillet. Add carrots to drippings; cook and stir 5 minutes. Add peas and asparagus; cook and stir 6 to 8 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Remove from heat. Crumble bacon. Stir in mint and bacon. Serve with chicken. Makes 4 servings.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Legend of the Seeker
I love watching television shows especially epic fantasy series like “Xena” and “Hercules.” In fact I was a fan of them. I have found the trailer of the "Legend of the Seeker” at and it was very well done movie. I feel like I was watching the trailer of The Lord of the Ring movie. It was amazing! A show like this one is a perfect for general viewers esp. when it is a combination of fantasy, adventure, magic, mystery and romance. I especially like the main character role of the movie, which by the way did a very good job in portraying his role. He was perfect for it. I will definitely watch and follow the show every week after the two- hour special event the weekend of November. “Legend of The Seeker” is from the same studio networks of the hit network “Lost” and “Grey’s Anatomy” the ABC Studios. For more information about this show visit and you can also find the area where you can watch the making of a Legend local showtimes which is hosted by "Xena" herself, Lucy Lawless.
My Little Einstein...
The Hidden Millionaire Book
6 Dirtiest Foods in America
If you've ever been struck with diarrhea, vomiting, fever, or abdominal cramps after dining out (or in), chances are that you were just one of the millions of "dirty food" victims that this country sees every year.
Foodborne illness, or food poisoning, is the result of consuming food or beverages contaminated with parasites, viruses, or bacteria. Most of these infections are undiagnosed and unreported, although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that approximately 76 million cases of foodborne disease occur in the United States each year. In fact, it may result in as many as 5,000 deaths each year.
Although food poisoning is usually unexpected, it's no secret that some food items are definitely dirtier than others. Here, a look at some of the dirtiest foods that are most likely to make you sick, according to the CDC.
1. Raw Oysters.
These mollusks have been said to have aphrodisiacal properties, but that's assuming that they don't make you sick first. Large outbreaks of the norovirus (one of several viruses responsible for the stomach flu) have been linked to raw oysters, so you might want to think twice before you slurp.
2. Ground Beef.
In everything from hamburgers to tacos to chili, the average American consumes over 66 pounds of ground beef each year. Unfortunately, although any food of animal origin can harbor bacteria, when meat is ground, it's even more exposed, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Listeria, salmonella, E. coli, and staph, which are invisible to the eyes and nose, are just a few of the harmful bacteria that could be lurking in your meat.
3. Alfalfa Sprouts.
If you're on of the many Americans who piles on the sprouts at the salad bar, you may also be getting a heaping pile of food poisoning. Oregon and Washington recently recalled a large amount of alfalfa sprouts after the USDA confirmed that they were likely linked to 13 cases of salmonella typhimirium infection-at least two individuals were hospitalized.
4. Milk.
It does a body good-but if it hasn't been pasteurized (put through a process that kills harmful bacteria through heating), it could be dangerous. Milk and milk products contain a wealth of nutrients, but according to the CDC, they can also contain salmonella, E. coli, and listeria. More than 800 people in the United States have gotten sick from drinking raw milk or eating cheese made from raw milk in the past 10 years.
5. Raw Eggs.
Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on earth, but if your mother ever yelled at you for trying to eat the leftover cookie dough or cake batter, she had good reason. Raw or even undercooked eggs can carry dangerous salmonella bacteria, one of the most common causes of food poisoning, so the Hollandaise sauce or Caesar salad dressing might not be the wisest decision.
6. Poultry.
Hacker Evolution, Most Challenging PC Game!
Have you played the games called Digital Hazard and BS Hacker series? Were those challenged you enough to move on to a more challenging one? Well, if you say you are ready, here is a new PC game created by and it is called Hacker Evolution where you will play the role of a computer hacker. It is very challenging. You will be an intelligent agent here who specializes in computer security. You will hack the computer trying to rob banks etc…The aim of this game is to create a game that challenges the gamer's intelligence, attention and focus, creating a captivating mind game. Hacker Evolution has a lot of features and extras you will really enjoy using and will make your experience of playing the games the best ever. To play this game, you will need to have these requirements: ~ Windows ME/XP/2000/2003 or Vista~ Microsoft DirectX 8.0 ~ Pentium® 1 GHz processor or faster, 512Mb RAM, 200Mb free disk space ~16Mb DirectX 8.0 compatible videocard ~ Microsoft compatible keyboard and mouse If you want to try it, just Download Hacker Evolution - The most challenging PC game to your computer or get yourself one by going to their website; the cost will only be $24.95. Hurry up and enjoy playing this very challenging but enjoyable game ever!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
He Died for Us....

Perfectly Made Suits for You!

When my husband and I got married, my brother in-law was wearing a very nice suit. We were surprised because he was not used of wearing suit. He told us that his wife made him wear it because it was his brother’s wedding and she bought it for that occasion. Anyway, He told us that it was made by a tailor in town near where they live. It was a custom made that is why he wore it, and was the only one in their closet that fits perfectly on him. Made to measure suits are way much better than those you can find at the retail store in the shopping mall. The great thing about it is that custom suit is made according to the style you want, fit perfectly, and the kind of fabric you have chosen in their selections. My husband and I like the three buttons jacket style and the flat front pants. My has been in business worldwide for over 40 years and still leading. You can rely on them when it comes to mens’ suit because they only sell made-to-measure suits at close to off-the-rack prices. If you want to buy a suit that fits perfectly for you, go to and make an appointment for measurements in their store and have your tailor made suit in just two weeks. Isn't it great?
My Personality Type
You Are An ISFJ |
![]() The Nurturer |
Video Conferencing Technology
Missing my friends...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Turn Old Records into the Digital Age!

Here's how to make fresh Pumkin Pie...
~The best way to cook it is to roast it, like you would a butternut squash.
~So cut it into halves or quarters (depending on its size), scoop out the seeds (save those for toast if you'd like), and put the pieces in a roasting pan with about half a cup of water, and roast it in a medium-hot oven till it's really tender.
~Scoop it out of the skin with a spoon once it's cool enough to handle, then puree it in a food processor or blender to make sure all the stringy bits are gone.
~One pumpkin should give you about two cups of puree, which you can then season and use for pie, ravioli, risotto, or simply as a side dish.
I just thought of sharing this if anyone of you wants to use fresh pumpkin for your pie. It is very easy and the pie would be very delicious; my son loves it fresh.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Get Your Cataracts Out Free!
Where Am I in this Picture?

Online Dating Services Works!
One for the Porch, One for the Plate!
Why? Two really good reasons: Pumpkin makes an incredibly rich and flavorful base for all sorts of soups, stews, and desserts. And it’s absolutely packed with blood-pressure-friendly nutrients.
Halloween Help for Your HeartPumpkin flesh is crammed full of phenols -- a type of health-promoting antioxidant that’s found in many plant-based foods. But pumpkin phenols may have particularly body-kind qualities. In cell studies, phenols from pumpkin flesh put a damper on the same enzyme that some blood pressure drugs target to reduce vascular tension. In other words, the phenols in pumpkin may help keep blood vessels relaxed, which means better blood pressure and better heart health.
Save the SeedsWhen you scoop out your pumpkin, save the seeds so you can roast them. Pumpkin seeds are rich in alpha-linolenic acid -- a healthy fat that also helps protect blood vessels. No time to cook fresh pumpkin? No problem. Use canned pureed pumpkin. It’s precooked, tastes great, and is just as good for you.
BTW, cooking pumpkin seems to enhance its phenolic properties.
I love Pumpkin seeds and so as hubby and Jacob. We also love Pumpkin Pie; my son is addicted with Pumkin Pie as long it is cooked the old- fashioned way. I like it with cream chesse.
I Love Grilled Foods
Greek Lamb Barbeque

1/2 cup lemon juice
2 tablespoons dried oregano
4 teaspoons olive oil
6 garlic cloves, minced
1 pound lean lamb, trimmed of fat and cut into 1 inch cubes
16 cherry tomatoes
1 large green pepper, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 large onion, cut into 1-inch wedges
1. In a small bowl, combine the lemon juice, oregano, oil and garlic. Set aside 1/4 cup for basting; cover and refrigerate. Pour the remaining marinade into a large resealable plastic bag; add the lamb. Seal bag and turn to coat; refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight, turning occasionally.
2. Coat grill rack with nonstick cooking spray before starting the grill. Drain and discard marinade. On eight metal or soaked wooden skewers, alternately thread lamb, tomatoes, green pepper and onion. Grill kabobs, uncovered, over medium heat for 3 minutes on each side. Baste with reserved marinade. Grill 8-10 minutes longer or until meat reaches desired doneness, turning and basting frequently.
If you love to grill and need barbeque grill and stuff associated with griling, is the best place for you to buy them. Go check them out!
Nice dinner...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Schumacher, Builder of Quality Homes
Web Hosting Geeks is All You Need!
Whether you are starting your own blog or website of you new small business you will need web hosting company to help you and your business rolling. Visit for complete and detailed information about web hosting blog and the services they offer. I am glad I choose them to host our family blog.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Rose from a friend, Redge

I received this Rose from one of my online buddies, Redge. whom I met through her sister, Race. They are both very sweet, nice and friendly and their respective blog and its posts are very inspiring and uplifting. Every time I visit I always feel good inside and out. I am glad to have met them.
It's my turn now to share this beautiful Rose with all who want s to grab it. You are all free to take it and also share to everyone you knew.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Go Green with International Plastics!
International Plastics is the one responsible for these plastic bags; they are certified maker of polyethylene film plastic bags. If you order worth $250 or more, they will even ship your first order free and not only that, they also offer shipping supply inventories and plastic bag packaging. This also is great for businesses who use Retail Bags, for IP can help customize these kind of bags. A two hours free art work designed by them when you can’t think a design that is right for your business. Go help save the earth by using environmental friendly plastics from International Plastics. Go Green with them now!
My mother with my niece....

This is my mother whom I miss so much. I am glad she is feeling and geting better now. Her next doctor's appointment will be next year; which means she is on the right track onthe way to recovering fast and easy. With her is my niece who graduated Valedictorian in her grade school. She is attending her high school in a Private Catholic School where her two sisters who are also graduate students there.
Don Cox, Finder of Office and Commercial Spaces
Time to wash clothes...

Get Answers to PC Questions
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Kidgits Club Halloween Fun!

Are you looking for a missing person?
Jake wants to have pet....
Finding Unknown Phone Numbers
An Apple a Day
This poem by an unknown writer highlights the health benefits of eating apples. Apple season is here and now's the time to enjoy juicy, delicious, nutritious, and very portable apples.
Apples are low in calories and high in fiber, especially soluble fiber, which has been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels. As the poem reveals, apples can be eaten raw or cooked.
Apples belong to the rose family and while there are about 2,500 varieties grown in the U.S., 8 varieties account for about 80% of the apples produced in the U.S.
What are your favorite varieties and what's your favorite way to eat apples?
I love the Gala Apples and I can eat it anyway you serve it. My son on the other hand loves the apple sauce with cinnamon and also when I peel it, slice and sprinkle a litle bit of white sugar and cinnamon. My hubby is the same with me. The poem itself tells us the benefit of eating apples 3x a day, and it will indeed keeps the doctor away!
Unique Halloween Gifts
What Color Should Your Blog or Journal Be?
Your Blog Should Be Orange |
![]() Your writing has a star quality - it's charming, bold, and flamboyant. You write what's on your mind, without fear of embarrassment later. You are one of the most honest bloggers around, and people appreciate your daring persona. |
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Siesta Key Rental, Great and Affordable
Vacation Rentals by Owner or has thousands of Florida vacation rental homes, condos and villas in and around Disney/Orlando area. The Florida Keys, Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Navarre Beach and many more. They have something for everyone! They also have rental options which fraction of typical hotel costs, some money will be spent for theme parks, shopping, snorkeling, parasailing, jet skiing and more.
Aside from saving money from vacation rentals, you can also get extra room if you need to for family members or friends. You cannot find the amenities they offer in any other rentals around like private pools, kitchen that are fully-stocked and game rooms I really like Siesta Key rental; because they have Private Homes which we like. Sieta Village Vacation rentals have a Deluxe Townhouse with large private poll/sauna and private yard across the beach; it has 3 bedrooms, sleeps 6 persons and 2 bathrooms; and it only costs $1500-2000 /week. Or Sandy Cove Vacation rentals with 1bedroom and 1bath; sleeps 2-4 person for only $1000-$2500 a month. Aren't they affordable?
If you want to experience the great benefits of staying in a vacation rental like Siesta Key rental and reserve the rental home that fit your needs.