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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Warning in the Kitchen!

A friend of mine sent me this email and I was alarmed after reading it. I better make sure that I've checked my pancake mix before serving it with my family. Don't want the same thing happened with members of my family. I also think that expiration date will aslo be checked in all the boxed, canned, bottled and all sort of packages foods to ensure safety and health of our family.

Please read on:
A student at HBHS had pancakes this week and it almost became fatal. HisMom (registered nurse) made him pancakes, dropped him off at school and headed to play tennis. She never takes her cell phone on the court but did this time and her son called to say he was having trouble breathing. She told him to go to the nurse immediately and proceeded to call schooland alert the nurse. The nurse called the paramedics and they were therein 3 minutes and worked on the boy all the way to the hospital. He cameso close to dying. Evidently this is more common then I ever knew. Checkthe expiration dates on packages like pancakes and cake mixes that have yeast which over time develop spores.

WARNING ABOUT Pancake Mix (and other boxed mixes) (maybe you already know this, I DID NOT !!) Talk about frightening. ... Throw away ALL OUTDATED pancake mix you have in your home, PLEASE! Ifyou don't believe me, read this article and then follow the 'Link' below to SNOPES. Sorry to be the Grim Reaper of bad news, but I would rather have you ALIVE, besides a $2.00 box of pancake mix is NOT worth your life.

P. S. You might want to tell this to your children, grandchildren,nephews, nieces and anyone else who keeps pancake mix in the cupboard.



Lynn said...

just learned about this now. thanks a lot for sharing.

Cecile said...

thanks for the visit and the comment :-), yup, that makes two of us!