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Sunday, May 16, 2010

I Need a Day Off!

Okay, after awhile there, I got tired seating in front of my laptop though there are still at least 6 paid tasks that need to be done. I need to kick my butt out and start doing my chores. I tell you even weekends, I never run out of things to do in this small apartment of ours. There are dishes to be cleaned, clothes to be washed and put away, living room to tidy up, kid to be fed and bathed, toys to be put away and the list goes on and on...*sigh*...oh well, this is my job as a mother and wife...but I am still not used to it. I still find myself wondering when these chores are going to be finished...when would I get the chance to relax for at least a day or two? I am not complaining alright!? Just need time for myself, that's all even for a day. I think we...stay at home Moms, need to clock out and days off....what do you think? I am sure you mothers, and wives out there would agree with me :-). Oh well, got to get up for it is almost lunch time...need to prepare a quick meal. Ta, ta for now!

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