Monday, March 29, 2010
Online Backup is Best!
Another One of Those Busy Days of Ours
Who Needs Prescription Eye Wear?
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Friday Fill Ins

1. The right word is more than enough to make me feel better.
2. Jacob, Daddy is sleeping, use your inside voice and shut the door quietly, please.
3. Up, up and away!
4. Kitchen is my fave room in my house and that is where you'll find me.
5. Ooh! What is that thing that sticks under your shoes?
6. Buying a new house instead of old trashy one is a good idea.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to do some laundry, tomorrow my plans include go to Easter egg hunting and visit the site where our house is going to be built and Sunday, I want to attend church near our future house!
Check the New Lux Score® Near You!
Two weeks was such a short time to find a place to live, so he decided to look online for an apartment we would live in when we finally moved there in TX. Thank goodness, after too much time looking, he finally found a website that was easy to navigate with great floor plans choices. The neighborhood was great because it was close to everything from school, job, hospital, church and even close to college. We like the price also because it was almost the same as the apartment in VA. There is a swimming, pool, playground and even fitness center which is few of the things we looked for an apartment. It wasn't like a Luxury Apartments but we are enjoying our stay here.
Anyway, back in VA, we lived close to Washington, DC which was very nice because we got to see historical places like the Lincoln Memorial, White House, Capitol to name a few. There were plenty of places to live there such as Boston Luxury Apartments, Washington, DC apartments that are perfect for those who are looking for a luxury apartments. I am sure my Aunt would probably like the place because it suits their lifestyle and needs during their retirement days.
True Friendship
2. When you are blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
3. When you smile -- I will know you are plotting something that I must be involved in.
4. When you're scared -- we will high tail it out of there, together.
5. When you are worried -- I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whining ... ya big baby!
6. When you are confused -- I will speak slowly and use little words.
7. When you are sick --Stay away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have, but I care.
8. When you fall -- I'll pick you up and dust you off....
9. This is my oath...I pledge it to the end. 'Why?' You may ask -- because you are my FRIEND!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
He Needs Poster Printing Job
The Essential Eight
Here are eight essential items to have on hand in the fridge:
Mayonnaise: an unbeatable spread, a base for dressings, and a must in tuna and chicken salads.
Mustard: like mayo, it's a mainstay for sandwiches but also a tasty sauce for boiled meats.
Filtered Water Pitcher: there's nothing like clean, cold water on a hot day.
Jam: kids love it on PB&J sandwiches. It's also a delight on baked treats and a sweet counterpoint to roasted duck or pork!
Cooking Wine: a little wine adds bright flavor to sauces.
Vegetable oils: storing oils in the fridge keeps them from becoming rancid.
Yogurt: a great low-fat option for sauces and for quick, healthy snacks.
Box of baking soda: place a box in both your fridge and your icebox to absorb odors.
Disney Vacation Packages
Spring Cleaning Tips
2. Clean the things you'd never think to clean. Other never-thought-they-needed-to-be-cleaned areas:
- Telephone receivers.
- Indoor garbage cans.
- Shower curtains.
- Automatic dishwashers.
- The fireplace.
- HVAC filters.
3. Dust with worn-out wool socks or a corner of an old wool blanket or sweater.
4. Polish silver with toothpaste.
5. Open your drains the nontoxic way.
6. Clean your windows the healthy way. And don't forget these tools and tips:
- Use a sponge wand to soak the window in suds, rather than a spray bottle. Wet the windows thoroughly and let the solution do its work for about five minutes.
- Avoid cleaning your windows on sunny days or in bright sunlight. The sun dries the solution too quickly, which can result in streaks.
- Use a black rubber squeegee to dry the window. Make sure every iota of water comes off; otherwise, you're leaving dirt on the window.
- Use paper towels to dry the squeegee after each pass.
- For serious dirt, try an oversized razor blade wet with soapy water.
7. Forget Formula 409; make this fabulous all-purpose cleaner.
8. Sanitize your toilet bowl safely.
To disinfect the toilet completely, wipe all surfaces with a cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol or with some of the alcohol-based hand cleaner available in stores.
9. Clean your kitchen floor the easy way. Don't try to disinfect it, says Findley. "Unless you disinfect your feet, disinfecting your floors serves no purpose." Instead, use these homemade floor cleaners:
- Hardwood and laminated floors.
- Marble, tile, and granite floors.
- Linoleum floors
Custom Plastic Cups
Air Travel with Children

Even if everything goes according to schedule, traveling with children can be a challenge. Children run better on a full tank, but chips, cookies, and sugary drinks are not going to get you far. And since airlines are cutting back on in-flight meals, it's more important than ever to plan ahead to bring your own. Here are some strategies to make your trip easier, plus a few tips on air travel regulations.
Ages 3 to 6
- Go for lots of healthy choices in interesting parcels that are fun to open and fun to eat.
- Pack food in small resealable plastic bags for easy self-serve, or use mini food storage boxes.
- Kids love small sandwiches cut into shapes like triangles, squares, or circles, or try using large cookie cutters--dinosaurs, stars and moons.
- Keep containers of tuna or chicken salads properly chilled in an insulted bag with an ice pack. Do consider the length of your trip--will your ice melt before you get to eat your food?
- Yogurt and applesauce are allowed in 3-ounce or smaller containers. Look for them packaged in tubes; it is easier to transport and eat.
- Be sure to include the standby favs: cheesy crackers, dried fruit, nuts, or a homemade trail mix.
Finding Employment Can Be Hard
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Busy and Tired, but Satisfied!
Friday, March 19, 2010
My Men Need Bow Ties

Friday Fill Ins

1. Today I will be visiting blogs, and update my own blogs.
2. Matt said: what about dinner at IHOP for your birthday.... and I say why not?
3. What do you think of people who only live to work and those who work to live?
4. At some bakery it's free Pastry Day til 1030 Friday!
5. People say that what we're all seeking is everlasting love and happiness.
6. The image I cherish most is our family bonding together.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to go to bed early, tomorrow my plans include take our car to a car spa and run errands and Sunday, I want to go to church!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Treatment for Wrinkles
Busy and Tired
My Mother Needs Joint Supplements
Snowman at Springitme!
In Need of Testosterone Booster?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Just About Anything...blah, blah, blah :-)!
We Like Undermount Kitchen Sinks
Saturday, March 6, 2010
On Closing Cost
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Read SlimQuick Reviews First!
Please, Obey the Law!

Best Weight Loss Pills
Best Human Growth Hormone
Pictures Do Lie!
Best Sleep Aids in Market
Award from Shy

1. Put the logo on your blog or within your post;
2. Pass the award onto 12 bloggers;
3. Link the nominees within your post;
4. Let the nominees know they have won the award by commenting on their blog;
5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award.
I now pass the award to all bloggers out there who are in need of sunshine in their lives. Grab it guys, please and bring sunshine to others, too!