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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Finding Employment Can Be Hard

Recently, my brother in-laws lost his job of nearly 15 years as a college professor. No idea why? Anyway, he has been jobless now for quite awhile, and his wife only works part time. I know how he fells right now because my husband lost his jobs twice in just one year. It puts stress into our lives and that was very hard. Thank goodness, God has blessed us when my husband got his old job back and all the benefits and years in that job. Job employment nowadays is hard to find and we hope that my brother in-law will find a job soon for his family depends on him. There are plenty of job here in Texas, but his wife doesn't want to move out of state and that is frustrating sometimes. Hope she will change her mind and agrees to move where an available job for her husband comes. There are bills to be paid as well as mortgage and health insurance on op of basic daily expenses at home.

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