Cheers to all us thieves!
Sunday Stealing: The Double Stealing Meme
1. If you could turn back the hands of time to correct one wrongdoing, what event would you choose and why?
~~That I wasn't choosy when it comes to choosing my college course.
2. Are you one for tradition? If so, what traditions do you strongly believe in? If not, what makes tradition hypocritical?
~~I came from a country that is are big on close family ties and in helping family and relatives who are in need.
3. You were taking part in an event and you had to crossplay, who would you crossplay as and why?
~~I don't have any idea who at this moment :-); still thinking!
4. If you only had one day left to live, how would you spend your last day? Would you be tempted to live fatally if you knew you were to die the next day, and if so, what extreme measures would you take?
~~I wouldn't even think about ending my life; I would spend the last day with a family reunion with my family in the Philippines with hubby and son there also.
5. What are your top five sinful materialistic items, ones you'd expect from others including those closest to you? Why are each in the position they are in?
~~Iphone- I don't have one.
~~Perfume – I am running out of it.
~~Purse - a designer one (for once).
~~Shoes - Ugg for winter.
~~Laptop - one on my wish lists
6. I am...already sleepy.
7. I feel...bad for staying up late again.
8. I see...my son sleeping peacefully.
9. I need...to go to bed now.
10. I love...blogging.
11. I wish...I have more money.
12. I think...of what to write on this one.
13. I hear...so much bad news on television.
14. I crave...for Black Stew (Philippines Stew) made by my friend, Liza.
15. I fear...of hubby losing his job again.
16. I hope…hubby will get absorbed by TI soon.
Thank for reading. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!
curious ako ate bakit stealing ang tawag dito?
Naadd na nga pala kita sa new baby ko, You can check it out here
Have a blessed Sunday!
yes i was curious too why the title lol, hapy sunday ces.
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