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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Brown Bag Gourmet Saves!

It may not seem luxurious to grab lunch from the caf when you’re at work, but the cost really adds up. In fact, by packing your lunch most days, you can easily save yourself $1,200 by year’s end. Brown bagging it doesn’t have to be hard or boring: Cook a little extra at night and, voila, there’s tomorrow’s lunch. Or prep something the night before and stow it in the fridge. In the morning, just throw it in your bag and head out the door. I usually make tuna salads, turkey wraps, or veggie burger sandwiches for my husband. They each take about 10 minutes to prepare and save him the hassle of waiting on long lunch lines trying to find healthy alternatives to fatty options. I usually throw in a snack like an apple, banana, or granola bar, too, to keep him from hitting up the vending machine at 4 p.m. Follow my lead and save money and calories - without scrimping on taste.

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