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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Stress Institute

Because of the economic crisis, a lot of people especially adults are under stress. There are many things contribute so much stress like the job loss, finances, debts, health to name some. Personally, my husband and I are under lot of stress right because of job lost. Today marked the end of his job at the company he worked with. He is officially jobless looking for a job anywhere. Because of the job competition now, it isn't easy for him to find one. We just don't know what to do. We sure can use some help to lessen our worries and stress. It is a good to know that there is a place to go get help. Dr. Kathleen Hall is a founder of Stress Institute in 1997 and a world renowned expert in health and wellness as well as stress and work-life balance. The Stress Institute is comprised of prominent physicians and professionals in a variety of stress and work/life balance related disciplines. It provides programs on prevention of stress and help people maintain a well-balanced and stress free lifestyles as well as achieve work life balance. If we learn to manage our stress levels or prevent stress, our quality of life will improve and so as our overall health.

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