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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Meeting My Long Lost Cousin

After eight years, I was finally reunited with my cousin in California whom I last saw before my wedding in 2001. He has grown so matured considering I was older than him. But with regards to his personality...he didn't change a bit. Too bad that the reason we met once again was because of our grandmother's passing away. We both loved her so much because we both grew up with her. She was like our mother since our parents lived far away from us during those time. It's been two years since she passed away, but we still feel the pain of losing her. But we have to move on with our lives. Richard is a very successful guy. He works at Bank of America and every once in awhile attend to some conference calls. He does that because he works at home now. What an easy job he has. I wish my husband would work at home, too so we would spend more time together with our son who growing so fast. We both don't want to miss ever important events in his life....and that is the reason why we make quality time with him as much as we can.

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