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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Habit of Reading Book Before Bedtime!

Reading book before bedtime has been a nightly routine to our family. Jacob wouldn't sleep with out it. I sometimes sing to him when we don't have time to do it. I really think that reading to our children everyday is a good start if we want our kids to love books and reading it. My in-laws are a bookworm and I want Jacob to get that habit also. And so, I started reading to him as soon as he turned six months old. Now he loves book and has tons of it in his bedroom, our bedroom and in the living room.


Mommy Liz said...

Wow, that's great. My sons don't like reading at all, but I have to read to my 6 year old since they need it at school. Wrozlie my 3 year old on the other hand loves books. She would ask me to read a book, over and over again. And it's great, coz even my 19 -month old loves books too..
When they get used to reading, they will learn a whole lot of educational stuff.

Have a great day to you all!

Cecile said...

yup, you are right dear :-) we just need to train them when they are still young, plus they learn from what we do :-); am glad your two kids love book, too!