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Monday, November 24, 2008

What Do You Think?

Last month my brother in-law and his wife invited us to spend our Thanksgiving Day in their house at Durham, NC. We agreed to go there since this will be our first and maybe our last Thanksgiving Day together and it would only take us 2 1/2 to 3 hours drive. We are all excited! Anyway, just yesterday, he called and said that we will be going to his mother in-law for Thanksgiving. I said to my husband "what?" They invited us to somebody elses dinner, instead of theirs. I said to my husband, we will not go and that's final. I can not believe it! To think that we don't even met those people yet. I don't understand how could they do that, Maybe if his parents in-law were the one who invited us, then that is different. What do you guys think? Would you go or not?

1 comment:

Youngest said...

what can i is something. maybe he needs to think first of what's your reactions going to be if he's on your shoe before he invited you guys. that is silly!
In the other hand, hope you'll have a wonderful thanksgiving dear!